COVID-19 impact Archives - Bruce Clay, Inc. SEO and Internet Marketing Fri, 15 Sep 2023 04:43:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Time for High-Growth Businesses To Drive Faster Mon, 17 Jul 2023 17:49:49 +0000 Learn why the current climate is primed for high-growth businesses to expand their SEO and win the race in the search results.

The post Time for High-Growth Businesses To Drive Faster appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Corvette car driving on open road.

Picture this: You are in a car race with nine other competitors. Your car is tuned and your pit crew is ready. The race is on. You’re speeding along — your competitors are all in front of you, traveling as fast as you or even faster, and you are stuck in last place.

Suddenly, something happens, and all nine cars stop or slow down. Do you stop as well? Or do you seize the opportunity to catch up and pass them? I opt to drive faster.

This is a great allegory that illustrates what businesses have experienced in the past couple of years.

We at Bruce Clay serve as a search marketing advisor to many high-growth businesses. We have examined the situation over the past few years and the potential impact on search. I wanted to provide my current thinking from a market opportunity perspective.

The Covid-19 Event

Starting in 2019, the world experienced something unlike anything else in our lifetimes. The COVID-19 event and the subsequent impact it has had on the health and well-being of people, their businesses, and their livelihoods continue to be a challenge.

Now we are looking at more potential downturns in world economies. Here in the U.S., headlines about wars, shortages, inflation, raising prices, and now recession dominate the airwaves.

Like you, our first concern is the well-being of our families, our employees, and their families, our clients, and our broader business network. To me, the current situation, as dire as it can seem at times, is an opportunity to protect those we care about by driving more business.

Many businesses that have invested in search marketing over the past couple of years have succeeded in driving growth.

In fact, the most common reaction among our client base has been to keep working hard and get creative about operating under a new paradigm while the competition is in shock and paralyzed by current events.

For brick-and-mortars, despite closed doors and empty buildings, many realized new ways of doing business knowing that their websites still persist.

Our advice for clients is to quickly push forward and leapfrog over competitors who are not as nimble. There is a great opportunity to gain traction in the coming months by expanding your search marketing programs.

SEO Growth During and After Covid

The search marketing economy remains very favorable for short- and long-term growth. It was good before COVID-19 and has been great the past few years (not to mention the rapid increase in e-commerce). The demand for online shopping and even information gathering continues to accelerate. People want to be able to find quick believable answers from the internet — the fight for viewership has created an accelerated demand for search placements (highlighting the importance of SEO).

As we face more unknowns, the opportunity to focus your energy has never been better. It is time to correct the flaws in your website, add meaningful, insightful, and compelling content, tune up the performance, and pass the competitors.

In other words: Seize this moment to prepare and improve the business to future-proof your web presence.

Everyone has their own race to win … do not stop and if anything drive faster. Your opportunity lies with your decision right now to either speed ahead or simply stop and be last place. As with any great race, your future depends on your next decision. This is an all-in moment.

The pit crew matters! If you would like to race with a great crew, please do not hesitate to contact us.

FAQ: What are the key factors that contributed to businesses’ success in the post-pandemic era through search marketing?

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses across the globe faced unprecedented challenges. However, some not only managed to survive but thrived in the post-pandemic era through search marketing. Understanding the key factors behind this success is crucial for other businesses looking to adapt and grow. Let’s delve into the driving forces that have shaped success in the realm of search marketing.

Agile Adaptation

Businesses that rapidly adapted their search marketing strategies to meet evolving consumer needs emerged as winners. The pandemic induced significant shifts in consumer behavior, with a surge in online reliance and local search prominence. Successful businesses swiftly embraced these changes, optimizing their online presence and adjusting paid advertising campaigns to align with new consumer behavior patterns.

Search Engine Visibility

Maintaining high search engine visibility became paramount for businesses seeking success post-pandemic. As online searches skyrocketed during the pandemic, businesses that invested in search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine advertising (SEA) enjoyed a competitive edge. Leveraging relevant keywords, user-friendly website design, and rich content helped boost their visibility and attract potential customers.

Digital Transformation

The pandemic served as a catalyst for digital transformation across industries. Businesses that recognized the importance of a strong online presence and user-friendly website experienced remarkable growth. By investing in their websites’ functionality, mobile responsiveness, and user experience, these companies positioned themselves for sustained success in the digital landscape.

Local Search Optimization

The pandemic led consumers to seek products and services closer to home, making local search optimization a vital factor in post-pandemic success. Businesses that focused on targeting local audiences through localized content, Google My Business optimization, and online reviews gained a competitive advantage.

Data-Driven Insights

The ability to harness data for actionable insights has been a defining factor for post-pandemic search marketing success. Analyzing consumer behavior, monitoring website traffic, and understanding the impact of marketing efforts allowed businesses to make data-driven decisions and optimize their strategies accordingly.

The success of businesses in the post-pandemic era through search marketing can be attributed to agile adaptation, search engine visibility, digital transformation, local search optimization, and data-driven insights. By understanding these key factors and integrating them into their marketing strategies, businesses can thrive in the ever-changing landscape and secure long-term growth.

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3 Simple But Powerful Search Ads Strategies To Use Right Now Mon, 27 Apr 2020 18:05:26 +0000 As we continue to weather uncertain times, many businesses are reviewing their current advertising. Recent reports show search ad spending is down as much as $8 billion. Even Google slashed its marketing budget by 50% in the last week. Not every industry is going to be impacted in the same way. Indeed, some sectors are […]

The post 3 Simple But Powerful Search Ads Strategies To Use Right Now appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Man seeing search ads on screen.

As we continue to weather uncertain times, many businesses are reviewing their current advertising. Recent reports show search ad spending is down as much as $8 billion. Even Google slashed its marketing budget by 50% in the last week.

Not every industry is going to be impacted in the same way. Indeed, some sectors are seeing increased volume and performance.

Regardless, Google is rallying to help businesses affected, including $340 million in Google Ads credits for SMBs.

Right now, there is one thing that all industries have in common: the ability to use ads to their advantage. As I’ve outlined previously, now is not the time to completely stop marketing or advertising.

Even if you’re in a sector that is almost at a complete halt, you can use search ads to keep in touch, stay on top of mind, and drive conversions.

1. Pivot Your Offerings

In response to current conditions, many businesses are pivoting their focus completely, or offering free or low-cost versions of their products and services.

For example, booze makers are turning to hand-sanitizing products amidst the shortage. Others are now offering free shipping.

Microsoft Advertising released insights and trends that include specific advice for certain industries. The auto industry, for example, should be focusing on deals and incentives right now.

Whatever it is that is changing with your business, you’re going to need to communicate it, and you can do that with search ads.

2. Change Your Messaging

Now is the time to revamp your messaging if you haven’t already. For many businesses, ads are on autopilot. But you need to make sure your messaging matches the current tone of the crisis.

For airlines and hotels, that may mean discussing future travel plans. For restaurants, you may want to highlight delivery and pick-up options, and how you are ensuring food safety.

For some, that means promoting top-of-the-funnel content in your search ads. This could include videos, podcasts, webinars, and other marketing initiatives. It might be as simple as driving ad traffic to landing pages with COVID-19-specific information.

And yes, you can use PPC for crisis communications. The manufacturers of Corona beer would have had the perfect opportunity to do so when people stopped buying Corona beer after the coronavirus outbreak.

So think about it. What key information do you need to disseminate when someone searches for your brand online right now? Use the search ads channel to your advantage as people are still searching online, albeit in different ways.

3. Consider Location Targeting

Make sure you think about how the current crisis will impact your location targeting now and in the future.

It’s no surprise that 20 percent of advertisers have decreased their local geotargeting as a result of COVID-19.

But what about the future? In a recent post, I talked about how the current crisis will change the way we live and search. And that can have huge implications for search advertising.

In the future, city centers may see a dramatic decrease in foot and car traffic, impacting local businesses. Local neighborhood businesses, on the other hand, have the potential to reign as a result of a new work-from-home economy.

For both categories of local businesses, a customer’s first touch point is likely to be a Google search (versus the normal kind of traffic that local businesses tend to see).

In conclusion, yes, we’re in uncertain times. But one thing we have control over is how we add value now and communicate that to our audience. Search ads are just one way we can show our audience we are still here.

Interested in helping manage your PPC search marketing? Contact us for a free consultation.

FAQ: What trends should I consider for location targeting in a changing landscape?

Location targeting has become a cornerstone of successful marketing campaigns. With consumer behavior and technology constantly evolving, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve. Here, we’ll explore the key trends you should consider for location targeting in this changing landscape.

  1. Hyper-Personalization is King

In a world inundated with marketing messages, hyper-personalization stands out. Leveraging user data, you can tailor your content and offers to individual preferences. This not only enhances customer engagement but also boosts conversion rates. Utilize advanced analytics tools to gather insights into consumer behavior, enabling you to create highly targeted campaigns.

  1. Privacy Matters More than Ever

With increasing concerns about data privacy, it’s crucial to prioritize user consent and data security. Transparency in data collection and usage builds trust with your audience. Ensure compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA to avoid hefty fines and maintain a positive brand reputation.

  1. Geofencing for Precision Targeting

Geofencing allows you to draw virtual boundaries around specific geographic areas, triggering personalized content or offers when users enter or exit these zones. This trend is particularly valuable for local businesses seeking to attract nearby customers. Ensure your geofencing strategy aligns with your target audience’s movements.

  1. AI and Machine Learning Integration

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies can analyze vast datasets and provide real-time insights. Implement AI-driven algorithms to predict user behavior and automate decision-making processes, optimizing your location targeting efforts.

  1. Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences

AR is gaining ground in location-based marketing. Brands are using AR to create interactive, immersive experiences for customers. By integrating AR elements into your campaigns, you can engage users in novel ways and leave a lasting impression.

The landscape of location targeting is ever-changing, but by staying informed about these trends, you can position your marketing efforts for success. Hyper-personalization, data privacy, geofencing, AI, and AR experiences are all pivotal aspects of this dynamic field. Embrace these trends, adapt your strategies, and watch your marketing campaigns thrive in the changing landscape.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  1. Begin by understanding the importance of location targeting in modern marketing.
  2. Embrace hyper-personalization as a core strategy, utilizing advanced analytics for insights.
  3. Prioritize user data privacy and comply with relevant data protection regulations.
  4. Explore geofencing techniques to engage local audiences effectively.
  5. Implement AI and ML technologies to optimize your location targeting efforts.
  6. Consider integrating AR experiences into your campaigns for enhanced engagement.
  7. Continuously monitor industry trends and adapt your strategies accordingly.

By following these steps, you can effectively leverage location targeting trends to stay competitive in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

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Google Search Trends Amidst COVID-19 and How to Respond Wed, 22 Apr 2020 17:39:21 +0000 We are in the midst of a massive shift in search behavior that’s impacting search results and traffic. Unlike a significant algorithm update though, no one saw this coming. Now, as we figure out our new shelter-in-place lives, we’re also figuring out how to keep organic search traffic up. In the past few weeks, the […]

The post Google Search Trends Amidst COVID-19 and How to Respond appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Hands waiting above laptop keyboard.

We are in the midst of a massive shift in search behavior that’s impacting search results and traffic. Unlike a significant algorithm update though, no one saw this coming.

Now, as we figure out our new shelter-in-place lives, we’re also figuring out how to keep organic search traffic up.

In the past few weeks, the search results have been volatile.

SERP volatility graph from SEMrush Sensor.
SEMrush Sensor data for all categories, retrieved on April 6, 2020


This is especially true for things like news results (as we would expect right now):

News search volatility chart.
SEMrush Sensor data for News category, retrieved on April 22, 2020


As we’re finding out, what you ranked for yesterday may no longer be the case. Path Interactive pointed out that the usual top-ranking sites for health queries are not on Page 1 anymore. At the same time, the CDC and WHO are claiming the top spots on Google.

As search behavior changes all over the world with new trends popping up daily, Google is striving to keep up with relevant results.

What is making the search results so volatile? In addition to a suspected algorithm update in late March, Google is dealing with an influx of new searches it has never seen before. Add to that the fact that people want different things as a result of the pandemic.

This different search behavior is no doubt giving AI systems a headache. The algorithm must think that the only thing important to people now are these new trending queries.

It must be difficult for the software to understand that we’re not always going to be in panic mode. The answers we want now will not be satisfied once things settle down. And I think that could be confusing. We’ll have to wait and see how the current crisis-driven behavior biases the top search results long-term.

As we know, search trends reflect the priorities of people. And as a business, it’s our job to listen and respond.

What’s Happening in Search Right Now

There are many disruptive factors at play right now in the search results. As you may remember, RankBrain (Google’s search AI), is among the top three signals in Google’s algorithm.

What that means is that along with content and links, RankBrain helps determine rankings.

Google created RankBrain to handle the growing percentage of queries it had never seen before. You can imagine what RankBrain must be dealing with now. Each day, we’re seeing new searches that never existed before.

Coronavirus-related trending search queries.
Google’s Coronavirus Search Trends data, retrieved on April 22, 2020


Not only are we seeing high-volume searches that never existed before (like “coronavirus money help”), but search behavior for goods and services is also changing.

It’s no surprise that searches for grocery stores are up while searches for restaurants are down. And new trends in searches for goods like cotton bandanas are up.

trends.embed.renderExploreWidget(“TIMESERIES”, {“comparisonItem”:[{“keyword”:”cotton bandanas”,”geo”:””,”time”:”2020-03-30T15 2020-04-06T15″}],”category”:0,”property”:””}, {“exploreQuery”:”q=cotton%20bandanas&date=now%207-d”,”guestPath”:””});

Now that people are sheltering in place, other trends include a drop in mobile searches and a rise in desktop.

WordStream reports a 24 percent drop on average in mobile search ad traffic. And Microsoft reports a rise in desktop searches compared to mobile.

Not to mention the amount of time now spent on social media like Facebook as people connect digitally, and how search is changing there, too.

All this is to say that the pandemic is shifting the way people search and behave online. Fortunately, the fundamentals of SEO have not changed. We would apply many of the same strategies today as we would in the past.

How to Respond with SEO

Here are four things to do now when it comes to SEO and keeping your website visible in the search results.

1. Understand Search and Ranking Trends

Look at Google Search Trends. You can use its coronavirus search trends hub to see what’s trending and refer to our guide to using Search Trends for more help.

You can use keyword tools like our free keyword suggestion tool or others like Ubersuggest to find different keywords you want to optimize for.

You can use our WordPress SEO plugin to get insights about the top-ranked sites for your keywords before you start writing content. This can give you key data points on what quality is for your targets.

Make sure you explore how search trends are impacting your particular niche. This Moz article has interesting ideas on the types of content to create per industry during COVID-19.

2. Continue to Publish Quality Content

Keep producing high-quality content. This is especially true for “Your Money or Your Life” sites, which would answer many search queries about the pandemic today. See our E-A-T guide for more info on this.

Now more than ever, Google needs help in finding and understanding the meaning of your content. So that means extra diligence with your optimization. See our up-to-date SEO checklist for ideas.

Google also recently gave tips on how health sites can optimize their content to be found in these times. Any website can apply these basics to help them get found.

3. Stay Relevant in Business and in Search Results

As people’s priorities change, so does search. Depending on how the economy reacts to the pandemic, search behavior may change for good.

For example, people may stop buying cars and want to sell them instead. New industries may emerge as a result of a potentially permanent work-from-home economy.

trends.embed.renderExploreWidget(“TIMESERIES”, {“comparisonItem”:[{“keyword”:”buy car”,”geo”:””,”time”:”2020-01-06 2020-04-06″}],”category”:0,”property”:””}, {“exploreQuery”:”date=today%203-m&q=buy%20car”,”guestPath”:””});
Search query data from Google Trends

Think about how you can be part of the conversation and add value now. What will that look like in the future, too?

Remember, if your webpages are not relevant to the searcher’s intent (what they want to accomplish), you will not be found online.

4. Be Patient But Act Now

SEO is already a game of patience. As Google works out the kinks in ranking the most relevant results, search results will be volatile, for some queries more than others.

But trends come and go, and as we pull out of this pandemic, searchers will turn their minds to other things.

There will be opportunities and challenges ahead. But SEO can support any shift in offers and messaging so that your business can be found for what people want.

Acting now will help your business weather the crisis, and come out ahead after it has passed.

For more on how to market and do SEO during COVID-19, see my earlier post Don’t Quarantine Your Marketing. If you’d like help navigating the online changes for your business, contact us right away.

FAQ: How is the search behavior shift impacting online businesses?

Search behavior has undergone a significant transformation. Understanding and responding to this shift is crucial for the survival and success of online businesses.

  1. The Rise of Conversational Search:

Search engines have become more sophisticated in understanding natural language, leading to the rise of conversational search. Users now ask questions in a way they might speak, using voice assistants and mobile devices. Online businesses should optimize their content for voice search by incorporating long-tail keywords and providing concise, informative answers.

  1. Mobile-First Indexing:

With mobile devices dominating internet usage, search engines have shifted to mobile-first indexing. This means that a website’s mobile version is the primary basis for ranking. Online businesses must ensure their websites are mobile-friendly, offering a seamless user experience across various devices.

  1. Local SEO and Geotargeting:

Search behavior has become increasingly localized, with users seeking information relevant to their immediate surroundings. Online businesses must invest in local SEO strategies, including accurate business listings and geotargeted content, to connect with nearby customers effectively.

  1. Visual and Video Search:

Visual and video searches are gaining prominence, driven by platforms like Pinterest and Google Lens. Online businesses should incorporate visual elements into their content and optimize images and videos for search engines.

  1. E-A-T and Content Quality:

Search engines now prioritize content quality and expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (E-A-T). Online businesses should focus on producing high-quality, authoritative content that demonstrates their expertise in their respective industries.

  1. AI and Machine Learning Algorithms:

Search engines employ AI and machine learning algorithms to understand user intent better. Online businesses can leverage these technologies to personalize content, recommendations, and advertisements for users, enhancing their overall experience.

  1. Featured Snippets and Structured Data:

Featured snippets have become a valuable source of organic traffic. Online businesses can increase their chances of being featured by structuring their content with schema markup and providing clear, concise answers to commonly asked questions.

  1. User Experience and Page Speed:

A fast-loading website and a positive user experience are crucial for search rankings. Online businesses must optimize their websites for speed, usability, and mobile responsiveness to retain visitors and improve search performance.

The shift in search behavior has far-reaching implications for online businesses. To thrive in this changing landscape, businesses must adapt their strategies by embracing conversational search, prioritizing mobile optimization, local SEO, visual content, and quality. Additionally, leveraging AI and machine learning, optimizing for featured snippets, and enhancing user experience is key to staying competitive.

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Location, Location, Location: How COVID-19 Will Change the Way We Live and Search Wed, 15 Apr 2020 18:48:05 +0000 Location, location, location — this is a central tenet for many local businesses. Got a shop or billboard in Times Square? You’re gonna get massive brand exposure. But in the midst of COVID-19, all that is changing. And it’s not clear how the pandemic’s impact will change how local (and other) businesses market — for […]

The post Location, Location, Location: How COVID-19 Will Change the Way We Live and Search appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Crowd in New York City street.

Location, location, location — this is a central tenet for many local businesses. Got a shop or billboard in Times Square? You’re gonna get massive brand exposure.

But in the midst of COVID-19, all that is changing. And it’s not clear how the pandemic’s impact will change how local (and other) businesses market — for good.

Life & Work Changes

I discussed recently how this crisis could permanently change the way people work. What if half of the workforce permanently works from home? What happens when skyscraper occupancy is at half capacity?

This will surely have a ripple effect on all the businesses that rely on transporting and serving those people on a daily basis. And the exposure from that traffic.

In a WFH economy, neighborhoods will be where people spend most of their time — grabbing lunch down the street or walking to their local coffee shop. While it could be business as usual for those who live in Manhattan, for example, things will dramatically change for the suburbs.

Foursquare is tracking foot traffic. It is dramatically down in places you would expect, like airports and hotels.

CV-19 impact on airport & hotels data chart.

But foot traffic is up in grocery and warehouse stores.

CV-19 impact on supply stores data chart.

Google is also tracking foot traffic around the world with its mobility reports. These show how communities are reacting differently to COVID-19.

Google mobility chart.
Community Mobility Report, Ventura County, Calif., Google


In the future, local neighborhood businesses will likely thrive in a work-from-home economy. Others might need to work harder to survive in a world where people travel less, such as gas stations or car lots.

New business opportunities will also emerge as a result of the new economy. For example, WFH office equipment and consulting, homeschool education and activities, productivity software, and online entertainment. (Perhaps even baby goods and services will be more in demand in the near future?)

At the heart of all these changes is still the need to be in the most ideal location for your customers. And for many, that starts with Google’s search results. As exposure decreases from foot and car traffic, people will continue to go online to find what they need and where to go.

Having experienced a new way of living, consumers are recalibrating their spending, increasing the likelihood that spending may permanently shift between categories and that online services could get adopted far faster. Decoding this new normal—and ensuring that the company has a strategy to navigate it—is an important part of the work of a nerve center.

-McKinsey & Company, COVID-19 Implications for Business

How Search Is Changing

Right now, the way people search is changing — and there could be a permanent shift.

For example, grocery stores and productivity tools are experiencing massive growth in search queries as of late.

trends.embed.renderExploreWidget(“TIMESERIES”, {“comparisonItem”:[{“keyword”:”Grocery store”,”geo”:”US”,”time”:”2020-01-03 2020-04-03″}],”category”:0,”property”:””}, {“exploreQuery”:”date=today%203-m&geo=US&q=Grocery%20store”,”guestPath”:””});

trends.embed.renderExploreWidget(“TIMESERIES”, {“comparisonItem”:[{“keyword”:”Slack”,”geo”:”US”,”time”:”2020-01-03 2020-04-03″}],”category”:0,”property”:””}, {“exploreQuery”:”date=today%203-m&geo=US&q=Slack”,”guestPath”:””});

Others like restaurants are not faring well, but food delivery is up.

trends.embed.renderExploreWidget(“TIMESERIES”, {“comparisonItem”:[{“keyword”:”/m/06l8d”,”geo”:”US”,”time”:”2020-03-03 2020-04-03″}],”category”:0,”property”:””}, {“exploreQuery”:”date=today%201-m&geo=US&q=%2Fm%2F06l8d”,”guestPath”:””});

trends.embed.renderExploreWidget(“TIMESERIES”, {“comparisonItem”:[{“keyword”:”food delivery”,”geo”:”US”,”time”:”2020-03-03 2020-04-03″}],”category”:0,”property”:””}, {“exploreQuery”:”date=today%201-m&geo=US&q=food%20delivery”,”guestPath”:””});

Search Traffic Will Be Key

For many businesses, this is a critical time to be found online. When the dust settles, it will be as important as ever to survive.

Whether you’re a local business that needs to disseminate key info, a business that needs to pivot its offerings to stay relevant, or a business that will thrive in the new economy, that means optimizing your digital presence.

A recent local business survey from BrightLocal shows some promising results. While the majority are losing customers, they aren’t losing sight of the big picture. Many report their efforts to improve their websites and customer service.

How might this new economy impact Google Search? I imagine Google will get better at returning relevant search results for queries it believes are local. Perhaps to the point where appending “near me” to the query may not be necessary.

Local Business Necessities

Regardless, local businesses will want to ramp up their optimization so that local searchers can find them. Certainly, if you’re a local business, you’ll want to read this checklist for local search optimization.

For non-local businesses, think about the demands of this new WFH economy, how that will impact your offerings, and how you optimize. Our Always Up-to-Date SEO Checklist is a good place to start.

If you want to survive in this new digital world, you have to be digitally connected to be found.

For local businesses, prepare for a future where fewer people drive past or walk by your store, where the first touch point is a Google search. In this new world, search traffic is just as important as foot traffic.

If you’d like to know how to improve your website’s visibility in search, contact us for a free services quote.

FAQ: What are the key challenges local businesses face in the new work-from-home economy, and how can Location-Based Marketing address them?

The global work landscape has transformed dramatically, with remote work becoming the norm for many employees. While this shift offers flexibility and convenience, it has presented many challenges for local businesses striving to stay afloat.

  1. Maintaining Visibility and Foot Traffic  

Local businesses often rely on foot traffic, which has dwindled as remote work reduces the number of people passing by storefronts. Location-based marketing leverages geo-targeting to reach potential customers in the vicinity, boosting foot traffic by delivering personalized promotions and offers to their mobile devices.

  1. Adapting to Changing Customer Behavior 

Consumer habits have evolved, and businesses must adapt. Businesses can adapt their offers to changing customer demands through location-based marketing, providing businesses with a way to stay relevant in an ever-evolving marketplace.

  1. Competing with E-Commerce Giants  

Local businesses often struggle to compete with e-commerce giants. Location-based marketing can help businesses target customers with location-specific promotions and incentives, fostering loyalty and drawing customers away from online behemoths.

  1. Managing Operational Costs  

Reducing overhead costs is essential in challenging economic times. Location-based marketing can optimize advertising spend by focusing on the most promising areas, ensuring marketing efforts yield the highest return on investment.

  1. Building a Robust Online Presence  

In the digital age, having a strong online presence is vital. Location-based marketing assists local businesses in building their online reputation, as satisfied customers can share their experiences and reviews, helping to attract new patrons.

By integrating Location-Based Marketing strategies, local businesses can thrive in the work-from-home economy by addressing these challenges effectively.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Leveraging Location-Based Marketing for Local Business Success

  1. Identify Your Target Audience: Define your ideal customer and their geographic location.
  1. Utilize Geo-Targeting: Employ Location-Based Marketing tools to target customers in specific geographic areas.
  2. Analyze Real-Time Data: Monitor customer data to adapt your offerings in response to changing behaviors and preferences.
  3. Personalize Promotions: Tailor marketing campaigns to offer location-specific promotions and incentives.
  4. Optimize Advertising Spend: Use data analytics to allocate your marketing budget efficiently.
  5. Build an Online Reputation: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and share their experiences online.
  6. Stay Informed: Stay updated with Location-Based Marketing trends and technologies to remain competitive.
  7. Monitor Competitors: Analyze how your competitors use Location-Based Marketing and identify opportunities to differentiate your business.
  8. Educate Your Team: Ensure your staff understands and can implement Location-Based Marketing strategies effectively.
  9. Evaluate Results: Continuously assess the impact of your Location-Based Marketing efforts and make adjustments as needed.
  10. Maintain Consistency: Keep your messaging and promotions consistent across all online and offline channels.
  11. Engage the Community. Participate in local events to build customer loyalty.
  12. Offer Value: To retain customers, offer exceptional service and value to encourage word-of-mouth marketing.
  13. Measure ROI: Regularly measure the return on investment from your Location-Based Marketing campaigns.
  14. Adapt and Innovate: Stay flexible and open to new Location-Based Marketing strategies and technologies.
  15. Seek Professional Guidance: Consider consulting with Location-Based Marketing experts for guidance.
  16. Build partnerships: Establish relationships with local businesses to strengthen and expand your presence.
  17. Emphasize Customers: At the center of all your marketing initiatives should be customers’ needs and preferences.
  18. Evolve and Grow: Continuously evolve your Location-Based Marketing strategies to meet changing market conditions.
  19. Celebrate Success: Recognize and celebrate the successes and milestones achieved through Location-Based Marketing.

By following these steps, local businesses can harness the power of Location-Based Marketing to overcome the challenges posed by the work-from-home economy and position themselves for long-term success.

The post Location, Location, Location: How COVID-19 Will Change the Way We Live and Search appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

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