SEO Expertise Archives - Bruce Clay, Inc. SEO and Internet Marketing Wed, 06 Sep 2023 04:06:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How To Hire an SEO Company the Right Way Tue, 08 Aug 2023 17:00:18 +0000 Looking to hire outside help for your SEO program? Here are steps you can take to make sure you’re hiring the right SEO firm and what to consider before you sign.

The post How To Hire an SEO Company the Right Way appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Business professionals shaking hands during a meeting.

Are you considering investing in an SEO service? Do you know what you’re buying?

The vetting process can be a challenge – it’s almost as if you need to know SEO to buy SEO.

In this article, I’ll outline steps you can take to make sure you’re hiring the right people and what to consider before you sign.

Do a Reality Check on Your Expectations

Well-meaning companies that are vetting SEOs but do not understand SEO itself will sometimes have unrealistic expectations.

For example, you might believe that an SEO company should whip up an SEO plan, including what they will do, when they will do it and the expected results – all without an analysis of your website’s faults and no knowledge of your competition.

That is an unrealistic expectation in SEO. (To better understand why, I recommend reading: SEO Should Beat the Competition, Not the Algorithm.)

Many companies falsely believe that it is easy to get a handle on SEO quickly versus the reality that SEO is like wrestling with a greased monkey.

They think that when an SEO company fixes their site, it will rank. That is false. A fixed website means you are in the game. Then you need to fight to be the survivor.

The website is the weapon we use in the SEO battle and we want it to be the best it can be. But the battle is in the search engines against an ever-evolving landscape of Google changes and desperate competitors. After we sharpen the weapon, the work is far from done.

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Ask the Right Questions

There are all types of SEO companies out there. Many deem themselves “SEO experts” or sell SEO services without having the proper background or experience.

Consider the content creator or virtual assistant who says they can also “do SEO” as an added service. Or, what about the well-known agency that hires junior staff with little to no experience but gives them big titles like “Lead SEO” so clients trust them (yes, this happens).

It is hard to know who you are hiring before you hire them. But there is due diligence. I believe one of the most important things an SEO company should have is expertise. To me, that means at least 10 years of experience in their field.

But that is not all. Here are some questions you can ask as you are vetting an SEO company:

  • How long has the SEO vendor been in business?
  • Does the internal team have sufficient skills and experience?
  • Does the company demonstrate thought leadership through speaking engagements, expert content or training?
  • Does the company have a good reputation among its peers in the industry?
  • Has the company received any awards or accolades?
  • How involved is the company in the industry’s professional organizations and/or professional community?
  • Does the company have SEO methods that are keeping within Google’s quality guidelines (aka “white hat” practices)?
  • What sort of clientele does the SEO company serve?
  • What sort of results has the SEO vendor achieved for its clients through its methodology?
  • How do they relate to their prospects? Do you feel like you’re getting good guidance or being “sold?”
  • How do they work with new clients? Do they have formal onboarding processes to ensure everything goes smoothly? Do they have dedicated account managers so communication stays open?

In addition, there are technical questions that you should ask about SEO so you can better understand their approach.

These questions may require that you understand the basics of SEO. (You can brush up on SEO fundamentals by reading our SEO Guide.) At the very least, ask the same questions of all your prospects, compare answers and go with your gut feeling.

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Buy Services That Will Actually Get You Somewhere

There are plenty of “cheap” SEO services that will tick off boxes on an SEO checklist and call that an SEO strategy. Some SEO companies might offer packages with little to no customization. They may even promise specific rankings as a result.

No two websites are alike, and no two search engine queries are alike. These generic packages won’t get you very far in a world where Google changes 20% of the industry each month. What we did last year does not mean we can do it again with success, and each industry is different.

The very first and most important step in engaging with an SEO company is purchasing a service called the SEO audit. The SEO audit is a deep analysis of your website’s needs to compete in the search results.

In fact, this is Google’s recommendation, too:

Ask for a technical and search audit for your site to learn what they think needs to be done, why, and what the expected outcome should be. You’ll probably have to pay for this. You will probably have to give them read-only access to your site on Search Console. (At this stage, don’t grant them write access.) Your prospective SEO should be able to give you realistic estimates of improvement, and an estimate of the work involved. If they guarantee you that their changes will give you first place in search results, find someone else.

Even here, the type of information you will get varies greatly from one company to another. Some may run a few analysis tools and give a high-level printout of what needs to be fixed (meta tags, speed issues, etc.).

These reports tend to be superficial and set up the SEO company for delivering on those checklists and packages I talked about.

Other companies instead do a deep dive into the website. They will use analytics plus their years of experience and knowledge to figure out what will actually move the needle when it comes to competing in the search results.

In a nutshell: If the SEO company is not customizing their strategy to your specific situation, and if they make SEO seem easy, then you are probably buying the wrong service.

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Final Thoughts

When you are looking to hire an SEO company, ensure you are investing in expertise, not a package, and not false promises.

Anyone buying SEO from an amateur will never be top three out of 10 million results unless it is by accident. SEO is a truly professional sport and the team you pick matters.

If you’re in need of an experienced SEO agency to provide customized SEO services that gets results, contact us to schedule a FREE 1:1 consultation.

FAQ: What questions should I ask while vetting an SEO company?

Selecting the right SEO company is vital for any business looking to enhance its online presence and drive organic traffic. While the process of vetting SEO service providers may seem overwhelming, asking the right questions can lead to a successful partnership. Here are the key questions you should ask while vetting an SEO company.

1. How long has the SEO vendor been in business?

A company with a proven track record of longevity is more likely to have the experience and stability necessary to provide reliable SEO services.

2. Does the internal team have sufficient skills and experience?

Inquire about the qualifications of the team members who will be handling your SEO campaign. Look for a company with a skilled, experienced workforce dedicated to achieving your goals.

3. Does the company demonstrate thought leadership through speaking engagements, expert content, or training?

Reputable SEO firms should establish an impressive online presence to demonstrate their dedication and knowledge of SEO services.

4. Does the company have a good reputation among its peers in the industry? 

Review testimonials and endorsements from professionals within the SEO industry. Positive responses can provide evidence of a company’s reliability.

5. Has the company received any awards or accolades?

SEO awards and recognition can indicate a company’s dedication and excellence in providing high-quality service.

6. How involved is the company in the industry’s professional organizations and/or professional community?

Active involvement in SEO-related organizations shows that the company is invested in staying connected with the industry and upholding best practices.

7. Does the company have SEO methods that follow Google’s quality guidelines (aka “white hat” practices)?

Ensure that the company adheres to ethical SEO practices approved by search engines, as using black-hat techniques can harm your website’s rankings in the long run.

8. What sort of clientele does the SEO company serve?

Evaluate whether the company has experience working with businesses in your industry or niche. Familiarity with your market can be advantageous.

9. What sort of results have the SEO vendor achieved for its clients through its methodology?

Request case studies or examples of successful SEO campaigns the company has executed. This information will give you insights into their effectiveness.

10. How do they relate to their prospects? Do you feel like you’re getting good guidance or being “sold?”

Pay attention to how the company communicates with you during the vetting process. A trustworthy SEO company will prioritize understanding your needs rather than pushing a sales pitch.

Transitioning smoothly between each question, keep these inquiries in mind while searching for the right SEO partner.

Procedure for Hiring an SEO Company

  1. Research and identify potential SEO companies that align with your industry and requirements.
  2. Check the duration of each company’s establishment to gauge their experience and reliability.
  3. Review the qualifications and expertise of their internal team to ensure they possess the necessary skills for successful SEO campaigns.
  4. Look for signs of thought leadership, such as participation in industry events and publishing expert content.
  5. Investigate the company’s reputation within the SEO community by seeking peer endorsements and testimonials.
  6. Evaluate if the company has received any awards or accolades, as it may indicate its excellence in SEO practices.
  7. Confirm their involvement in professional organizations to ensure they stay up-to-date with industry best practices.
  8. Inquire about their SEO methods to verify they adhere to ethical “white hat” practices approved by search engines.
  9. Consider their experience with clients in your industry, as familiarity can lead to more targeted and effective strategies.
  10. Request case studies or examples of successful campaigns to gauge their ability to deliver positive results.
  11. Pay attention to their communication approach during vetting, ensuring they prioritize understanding your needs.
  12. Seek personalized guidance and recommendations from the SEO companies rather than feeling overly “sold” to.
  13. Assess the level of transparency they provide regarding their strategies and methodologies.
  14. Inquire about their reporting and tracking practices to ensure you can measure the effectiveness of their efforts.
  15. Request a detailed proposal outlining the services they will provide and the expected outcomes.
  16. Obtain clear information about the expected timeline for achieving results.
  17. Inquire about their pricing structure and whether they offer any guarantees.
  18. Seek references from their past or current clients to gain insights into their working relationships and performance.
  19. Carefully compare and examine each company’s responses before making your final choice.
  20. When selecting an SEO firm, make sure they can meet your goals while giving you confidence they will deliver results.

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SEO: What We Believe Mon, 10 Aug 2020 17:33:22 +0000 The digital marketing industry is at a tipping point for a great many reasons. And SEO is more important now than ever for businesses to survive. Recently, I gave a presentation called Declaration of SEO that expresses six fundamental truths about SEO that must be embraced if you’re going to be successful. Now, I want […]

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Weights like measuring an SEO agency.

The digital marketing industry is at a tipping point for a great many reasons. And SEO is more important now than ever for businesses to survive.

Recently, I gave a presentation called Declaration of SEO that expresses six fundamental truths about SEO that must be embraced if you’re going to be successful. Now, I want to extend that and discuss what an SEO agency needs to have in order to earn your trust.

As you evaluate budgets, marketing channels, and most importantly, who is going to help you achieve your goals, consider the following five beliefs about the best SEO agencies.

We believe that companies need expert SEO mentors that give great advice.

Consider the fact that 19% of companies reduced their SEO budget due to a skills shortage in 2019. And the number of practitioners who considered themselves “expert” fell by nearly 30% compared to 2018.

Experience is what sets marketing agencies apart. Companies need experts who have more unique experience in solving tough SEO problems than they do. They do not need junior-level professionals with inflated titles working on their accounts. Especially under today’s circumstances.

Here at Bruce Clay Inc., we employ experts with no less than 10 years of experience in their field, with the average being 15 years. This is a serious statement. Our client-supporting SEO and PPC analysts all (as in every one of them) have 10 or more years of experience.

We believe that companies need SEO agencies that empower them to sustained success.

The SEO industry has best practices, but not a defined set of standards. As a result, different SEO agencies provide different services.

Take, for example, the SEO audit as a service. One company might run some tools and hand over an automated report with little analysis. But they are not giving the client the tools they need to succeed.

As an example of the other side of the spectrum, our SEO audits (which are delivered with follow-up consulting to help with implementation, totaling up to 160 hours) include:

  • Prioritizing the recommendations based on SEO impact
  • Showing how to implement the changes on a website even when it seems impossible
  • Confirming any changes made to be sure they are correct

We believe that a great SEO agency is one that shares knowledge and is known and followed for it.

A great agency will have a strong brand. Great agencies are known for thought leadership through speaking engagements, expert content, training, and more.

More importantly, they practice what they preach. They believe that quality SEO is a partnership with search engines to better serve all users.

A good reputation — among peers in the industry, with Google, and with clients — is a marker of a quality SEO agency. By and large, great agencies contribute to the industry as a whole.

We believe a great SEO agency changes people’s lives.

At the end of the day, it’s not about optimizing a website. It’s about helping a business flourish. It’s about creating and protecting the livelihood of the people who work at the business.

Especially now in such extraordinary times, SEO has the ability to completely change the course of a company’s success. SEO helps businesses realize their potential online. And yes, this changes lives.

We believe a great SEO agency delivering high value earns its fees and then some.

Investing in experience and knowledge isn’t cheap. Unfortunately, we’ve run into too many businesses to count that have paid for cheap SEO and been harmed by it.

I like the following story about Picasso that illustrates the investment in experience (hat tip to Jason Wencel who shared this on my profile):

Screenshot of LinkedIn comment.

The story goes that Picasso was sitting in a Paris café when an admirer approached and asked if he would do a quick sketch on a paper napkin. Picasso politely agreed, swiftly executed the work, and handed back the napkin — but not before asking for a rather significant amount of money. The admirer was shocked: “How can you ask for so much? It took you a minute to draw this!” “No,” Picasso replied, “It took me 40 years.”

SEO will always be the best way for websites to stake their claim online. Knowing this, it’s not a matter of if you should do SEO, but who should help you do it and what qualities to look for in an SEO expert in order to get the best possible outcome.

If you need expert assistance with your search engine optimization, we would be happy to talk with you and give you a free quote. Use this request form to contact us today.

FAQ: What qualities should I look for in an SEO agency to ensure my online success?

The success of your online presence hinges on the expertise and performance of your chosen SEO agency. With numerous agencies vying for your attention, making an informed decision is paramount. Here are the essential qualities to consider when selecting an SEO agency to guarantee your online success.

  1. Proven Track Record:

An exceptional SEO agency should possess a proven track record of success. Request case studies and client testimonials to gauge their ability to deliver tangible results in terms of increased website traffic, higher rankings, and improved ROI.

  1. Transparency and Communication:

Effective communication is vital. Ensure the agency is transparent about its strategies, progress, and reporting methods. Regular updates and accessibility to your account manager are crucial for a successful partnership.

  1. Industry Expertise:

Look for an agency that specializes in your industry or niche. They should understand your unique challenges and opportunities, enabling them to tailor their strategies to your needs.

  1. Comprehensive Services:

An agency should offer a comprehensive range of services, including on-page and off-page optimization, content creation, technical SEO, and link building. A holistic approach ensures your online presence is optimized from every angle.

  1. Customized Strategies:

Avoid agencies that employ an “all or nothing” approach; your SEO strategy must be tailored specifically to the goals, audience, and competition landscape of your business.

  1. Ethical Practices:

Ensure the agency adheres to ethical SEO practices. Black-hat techniques can lead to penalties from search engines, damaging your online reputation in the long run.

  1. Data-Driven Decisions:

A reliable agency should base its strategies on data and analytics. Regular analysis and adjustments are essential to stay ahead in the ever-changing SEO landscape.

  1. Budget Alignment:

While cost is a consideration, focus on value rather than just price. A reputable agency will work within your budget to achieve the best possible results.

  1. Client-Centric Approach:

Choose an agency that places your business’s success at the forefront. They should be willing to adapt and evolve their strategies as your business grows and changes.

  1. Reporting and Analysis:

Regular, detailed reporting is crucial. Make sure the agency provides insights into the effectiveness of its strategies and offers recommendations for improvement.

Selecting the best SEO agency will ensure your success online. You’ll be able to make an informed choice based on these qualities and align it with your business goals.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Choosing the Perfect SEO Agency for Online Success

  1. Start by researching SEO agencies in your niche or industry.
  2. Create a shortlist of agencies with a proven track record of success.
  3. Request case studies and client testimonials from the shortlisted agencies.
  4. Evaluate the transparency and communication of each agency during initial discussions.
  5. Ask about their industry expertise and experience.
  6. Inquire about the range of services they offer.
  7. Discuss customization options to tailor strategies to your business.
  8. Ensure the agency follows ethical SEO practices.
  9. Verify their commitment to data-driven decision-making.
  10. Align their proposed budget with your financial considerations.
  11. Assess their client-centric approach and willingness to adapt.
  12. Review their reporting and analysis capabilities.
  13. Compare the shortlisted agencies based on the above criteria.
  14. Make a well-informed decision based on your findings.
  15. Initiate discussions with the selected agency to define goals and expectations.
  16. Collaboratively develop a customized SEO strategy.
  17. Establish clear communication channels with regular updates.
  18. Monitor progress through detailed reporting and analysis.
  19. Implement necessary adjustments to optimize results.
  20. Celebrate your online success as your business thrives with the right SEO agency partnership.

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The One and Only Thing You Need in an SEO Agency Mon, 18 May 2020 20:02:33 +0000 You’re an in-house SEO professional who, after years of demonstrating your expertise, was promoted up the ranks to run the SEO department. Now, in addition to overseeing strategy, you’re being pulled in a million different directions. On top of that, you’re tasked with building a great SEO team. One that is on par with your […]

The post The One and Only Thing You Need in an SEO Agency appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Expert seated, speaking to a group.

You’re an in-house SEO professional who, after years of demonstrating your expertise, was promoted up the ranks to run the SEO department.

Now, in addition to overseeing strategy, you’re being pulled in a million different directions. On top of that, you’re tasked with building a great SEO team. One that is on par with your standards of SEO.

But corporate doesn’t allow for an entire team of SEO directors. So you hire people with a handful of years under their belt and a lot of potential. The problem is, that things continue to get busier. It’s hard to develop staff and stay on top of projects.

And when things get tricky — for example, if you’re trying to solve a really complex SEO problem, or you’re facing uncharted territory (such as COVID-19) — you may find that your staff can take you only so far. And you’ve been out of the weeds for enough years that you realize your company needs some outside expertise.

What’s Your “State of SEO”

According to the State of SEO 2019 report by Zazzle, 19 percent of companies reduced their SEO budget due to a skills shortage. The number who felt they were “naive” about SEO grew by 8% since 2018. Those who considered themselves “expert” fell by nearly 30% compared to 2018.

A situation like that is the reason you turn to an SEO vendor. But the issue again becomes an experience.

SEO agencies have a similar problem to in-house SEO teams: they’re often founded by one or more experts. In order to grow, they have to build teams and take themselves out of the hands-on work.

But they also have to make the business profitable, and labor costs are the largest cost. As a result, many agencies have scaled using entry-level professionals. However, this strategy is not sustainable when the clients know more about SEO than the “SEO managers” on their accounts.

Experience Makes the Difference

A few years back, we decided that we weren’t going to have junior-level SEO and PPC professionals on our teams anymore. That is not a normal decision for an agency to make.

It wasn’t an easy process, but we changed the way we source talent. We also expanded our job openings to experts all across the U.S., not just locally.

This allows us to hire the best of the best. As a result, our production team has an average of 10+ years of experience in their craft.

And this is the thing you need to look for when hiring an agency: Experience. Experience is what sets agencies apart.

It allows us to solve the toughest SEO problems out there for our clients when no other solutions exist in-house. And that’s what’s needed now more than ever.

There are many guides out there on how to hire an SEO vendor. Google gives its basic guidelines here with questions to ask. We’ve written in the past about some questions to explore here, including SEO interview questions we ask our own candidates for hire.

But the bottom line is that you do not want to know more than the agency you’re hiring. This is especially true in today’s climate when so much is changing in the world around us. Businesses need the best SEO strategies to survive online.

If you are in this situation, where the one and only thing you need in an agency is expert-level experience, contact us today for a free consultation.

FAQ: How can I ensure my SEO team has the necessary SEO expertise to succeed?

Maintaining a competitive edge requires having an SEO team equipped with all of the expertise. Building such a team takes time, but a steady effort should ensure your SEO team possesses all required skills and expertise.

  1. Careful Recruitment:  

Begin by recruiting individuals who have a strong foundation in SEO. Look for candidates with a proven track record, certifications, and a deep understanding of SEO principles. Experience and past successes in optimizing websites for search engines should be top criteria during the hiring process.

  1. Continuous Training:

Invest in continuous training programs to keep your team updated with the latest SEO trends and algorithm changes. Platforms like Moz, SEMrush, and Google offer valuable courses and certifications that can enhance your team’s expertise.

  1. Regular Workshops and Knowledge Sharing:

Organize regular workshops and knowledge-sharing sessions within your team. Encourage team members to share their experiences and insights. This not only promotes a learning culture but also fosters collaboration and creativity.

  1. Access to SEO Tools:

Provide your team with access to premium SEO tools and analytics platforms. Tools like Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, and Google Analytics are invaluable for optimizing websites effectively. Investing in such tools demonstrates your commitment to equipping your team for success.

  1. Performance Metrics: 

Establish clear performance metrics to evaluate your team’s effectiveness. Monitor key SEO KPIs such as organic traffic growth, keyword ranking improvements, and conversion rates. Regularly review these metrics to identify areas for improvement.

  1. Industry Networking:  

Encourage your team to participate in industry events, webinars, and forums. Networking with other SEO professionals can provide valuable insights and broaden their knowledge base.

  1. Collaboration with Other Departments: 

Facilitate collaboration between your SEO team and other departments like content marketing, web development, and design. A holistic approach to digital marketing ensures that SEO efforts are aligned with overall business goals.

  1. Mentorship:  

Assign experienced mentors to junior team members. Mentorship accelerates the learning process and ensures that knowledge is passed down effectively within your team.

  1. Case Studies and Experiments:  

Encourage your team to conduct SEO experiments and document the results. These case studies can serve as valuable learning resources and help refine your team’s strategies.

  1. Feedback and Adaptation:  

Create an environment where feedback is encouraged. Regularly seek input from your team members on ways to improve processes and identify areas where additional expertise may be needed.

Building and managing an effective SEO team requires ongoing commitment. Follow these steps to make sure that your team possesses all of the knowledge required for digital marketing success.

How to Ensure Your SEO Team Has the Necessary SEO Expertise to Succeed

  1. Start by carefully recruiting individuals with a strong SEO foundation, emphasizing experience and past successes.
  2. Invest in continuous training programs, including certifications from platforms like Moz and SEMrush.
  3. Organize regular workshops and knowledge-sharing sessions within your team to foster a learning culture.
  4. Provide access to premium SEO tools such as Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, and Google Analytics.
  5. Establish performance metrics like organic traffic growth and keyword ranking improvements to evaluate your team’s effectiveness.
  6. Encourage industry networking through participation in events, webinars, and forums.
  7. Facilitate collaboration between your SEO team and other departments within your organization.
  8. Implement mentorship programs to accelerate learning for junior team members.
  9. Encourage your team to conduct SEO experiments and document results for valuable case studies.
  10. Create an environment that encourages feedback and continuous improvement in your SEO processes.

By following these steps, you can empower your SEO team with the necessary expertise to excel in the ever-evolving field of search engine optimization.

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