Comments on: How to Optimize for Google Home NOW #OKGoogle SEO and Internet Marketing Mon, 21 Nov 2016 23:43:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Alexander Mon, 21 Nov 2016 23:43:06 +0000 In reply to Mike.

Mike – Great input, thanks. It seems like some of what you’re describing relates to a big part of the so-called “Pigeon” update. As David Mihm put it in October 2014, “the user is the new centroid.” So we’ve been seeing Google serving that kind of location-sensitive data for a while now; but the interesting point that you’ve discovered is that Pixel and Home might be giving you different data which, for some queries, would make sense since I might be more sensitive to location if I’m on my phone than if I’m still at home talking to Google Home.
Did you sign in to Google Home with the same account as on the mobile device (or whatever device you were using to compare the Home’s results)? Can you be reasonably certain that the 2 devices were pulling from the same data set?
It’s clear that yes, as you say, the Home will be personalizing itself over time. However, in the meantime, Google is trying to validate relevance and trust signals. How can local businesses optimize for that? Be hyper-relevant to your area. If there are events or characteristics unique to your area (and this can be down to the neighborhood, depending on the business) then why not engage with those (provided they’re relevant). So a pizza restaurant could sponsor local youth sports teams and have a page talking about the teams’ successes, showing pictures of the kids and their families at the restaurant, etc. Be a good neighbor and demonstrate that neighborliness. If you’re not a big brand, then you need to be CLEARLY good at what you do. (Look for engagement and feedback on relevant social media, etc.) I hope that helps, and I’d love to hear more about your experience and as testing continues!

By: Mike Thu, 17 Nov 2016 14:56:56 +0000 We’ve been playing around with Alexa and Google Home at work lately to see how exactly they return local results and we’re stumped on the best ways to consider optimizing sites in the future to appear for their results. For example, we were looking up local SEO companies for our region (one of the first things that came to mind) and we noticed that Google Home read back three results but they were neither the 3-pack nor were they the top three organic results. When we clicked into Google Maps, the sites were the three “closest” listed in Maps. Seems odd that instead of pulling the more updated local results or the most relevant organic results that it would pull the three ‘closest’ from maps. We’ve been trying to figure out how a local business would even compensate for that or if its more a question of Google Home slowly personalizing itself to the individual. When you’re in a highly saturated region where businesses and towns are practically on top of each other, it becomes harder to optimize for the future of voice search just looking at the most nearby as opposed to the ‘best’ options. Any thoughts or ideas?

By: Danny Smith Fri, 28 Oct 2016 06:31:07 +0000 Interesting how our search queries have changed but more targeted and long tail is good news for sales.

By: Virginia Nussey Tue, 25 Oct 2016 22:57:39 +0000 In reply to Al Toman.

Thanks for your sobering perspective, Al. Yours is an important reminder that AI is not the same as plain old I, by which I mean intelligence. America is the land of innovation, efficiency, openness and, perhaps, technological reliance. Everything in life is a trade-off. With our technical reliance we may give up some internal reliance and become lax in any individual attention to detail. But I’m hopeful that the net gain is positive. Those who see technology as an enhancement and not replacement to intellectual interests, discipline and dedication, make contributions that move the whole of society forward.

By: Al Toman Fri, 21 Oct 2016 18:01:52 +0000 One: I’m an oral cancer survivor (2007) and I cannot speak. consequently, “OKAY GOOGLE” is useless.

Two: Just remember, the world’s most simple, sophisticated search engine, the LIBRARY, has no SEO and all the other crap that comes with GOOGLE and their brothers and sisters.

Google is a step backwards from high intelligence to the lowly low.

In 1978, USA placed #1 in math and science in the global community. Today, it doesn’t even place in the top 10, 20, or 30. Sadly, reading has now joined them.

This is NOT moving FORWARD, anything but.

We as a People, at least here in the USA, need to return to a higher level of intelligence, forget Google and the like, and take back our #1 status and pride.

GUARANTEED, not gonna happen with Google talkin’ garbage at us.

Kind regards,
Al Toman

By: Robin Khokhar Fri, 21 Oct 2016 07:19:21 +0000 Hi John,
It was an amazing post. I got lot of new things to learn and secondly I liked the images you have shared.
Thanks for sharing.
have a great day.

By: John Alexander Tue, 18 Oct 2016 17:36:31 +0000 Christine- for service-based websites (like restaurants) it might not be a problem if Google is pulling mostly from Yelp. Provided you’re monitoring your reviews and getting good customer feedback, then optimizing your Yelp page can be a great way to get business. Also, make sure that your site integrates with third-party apps like OpenTable.
But sites who rely on visits for income (i.e., sell ads) are in the same difficult position that newspapers have been for several years now: if search engines want to display our information for free, how do we change our business model to keep bringing in revenue?

By: John Alexander Tue, 18 Oct 2016 17:33:22 +0000 Tauseef: while it remains to be seen how Google will monetize the information itself, it’s important to recall that we’re asking Google Assistant via a Google-made device; so the hardware and the software is sold by Google. So while I’m sure they’ll find a way to monetize the Knowledge Graph, it’s not like they’re losing money with Home or Pixel. Plus, between Google Play (including their music service) and YouTube Red, they do have subscription-based services bringing in revenue.

By: krishna Tue, 18 Oct 2016 12:10:32 +0000 Voice Search is quite new, glad I got the ground work from this article and test things out.

By: Pedro Matias Mon, 17 Oct 2016 23:47:33 +0000 Great post,

I like the idea and have emphasised to clients that the object of SEO is to get more targeted users and more conversions, optimisation, not more traffic for traffic’s sake.
