Comments on: Gary Illyes: Panda Will Update Slowly with Refreshes, Penguin Updates Will Be Real-Time ━ Eventually SEO and Internet Marketing Fri, 29 Jan 2016 21:41:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Bryan Cinco Tue, 03 Nov 2015 14:47:10 +0000 Amazing conversation and sounds penguin is now a silent update that will slowly kill sites with violation. Probably it’s time to make 100% natural link building to avoid penguin penalty. It’s time for amazing and highly strategic plan and implementation how to acquire natural backlinks.

By: Sam Mon, 28 Sep 2015 10:36:17 +0000 Great interview, I think I’ll share this page on reddit

By: Dentist Cranbourne Wed, 23 Sep 2015 11:21:07 +0000 Very informative article. Got lot of information and surety what Google will be doing in the coming months. Every one is just waiting for the Penguin update. How it will effect all the webmasters. So it would be interesting when it will surely come.

Thanks for sharing this with us. Cheers!

By: Vicky Choksi Tue, 22 Sep 2015 07:36:26 +0000 I enjoyed the interview, cleared doubts on local results and phantom update. Great initiative by Bruce Clay Inc. to call him up for interview.

By: R.Rogerson Sun, 20 Sep 2015 13:14:59 +0000 I don’t suppose you can get Gary back in and ask for some of those non-seo’d sites that are ranking well?
I’d dearly love to see the type of site, type of content and level of competition where SEO isn’t that important.

It’s basically the same set of responses that Googlers have been using for 5 or so years. Strip out the details, switch a few words/phrases – and it reads the same as responses from JM or MC.

That said, the points made are valid. Far to often people focus on things that aren’t generally worth the time effort.
Why do so many people chase algo’s? I seriously doubt most are smart enough or have the resources to reverse engineer even a fraction of the algo. Even if they do, what good will it do them?
Far better to focus on what we do know, and what we know works, and what increases the bottom line.

The PAnda bit was partly interesting. The implication is that they are moving even further towards a page>term impact, rather than a site-wide impact (which would be fairer, but also suggests that their resource consumption has been refined to enable such degrees of granularity). It also suggests that the vast majority of the “work” has already been done – now it’ more a matter of maintaining rather than rating an responding (4.5 years or so to crawl and rate the larger % of the web, and to re-rate those previously hit … that’s quite scary).

As for the links and disavowing … this has always made me laugh.
Even before Penguin, G had systems for hitting bad links and a sites rankings.
And the issue back then was the same as it is now.
If yo have removed a % of links, then you will not benefit from that % of links. This Will influence your rankings.
Why do people seem to think that after disavowing a bunch of bad links, their rankings will go back to anything like they were?
(If you have 100 red balls, and I know you stole 20 of those balls and take them away, are you going to have the same number of red balls? No. Right!)

By: Miraj Gazi Wed, 16 Sep 2015 07:25:35 +0000 Hi Kristi!

This is really interesting! Lots of doubts cleared about HTTPS, Phantom and other Google updates. Thanks! :)

Miraj Gazi

By: Kristi Kellogg Tue, 15 Sep 2015 17:48:50 +0000 In reply to Olivier.

Good catch — updated! Thank you :)

By: Olivier Tue, 15 Sep 2015 12:34:45 +0000 Thank you Kristi for this transcript!
In your highlights, you wrote “We are “months away” from the next Panda update” but I think it’s actually Penguin.
