digital marketing Archives - Bruce Clay, Inc. SEO and Internet Marketing Thu, 21 Dec 2023 00:53:29 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Is Digital Advertising? (With Examples) Thu, 05 Oct 2023 17:35:00 +0000 We lay out the basics of digital advertising, including frequently asked questions here.

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Woman holding credit card shopping on laptop.

If you’re not doing digital advertising, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to get in front of your target audience when they are looking for your offer. In this blog, I’ll explore common questions and basic concepts around digital advertising and share some examples.

What Is Digital Advertising?

Digital advertising is a strategy that promotes products, services, or other content online through digital ad networks. It is a highly effective method for businesses to reach their target audience with marketing messages.

When Did Digital Advertising Start?

In 1994, the first online banner ads appeared as part of the present-day “Wired” magazine’s digital marketing arm. One banner ad famously garnered a 44% click rate, which is astounding by today’s standards.

We’ve come a long way in more than 25 years. Analysts expect global advertising spend to hit $1 trillion in 2024 with digital ad spend in the U.S. alone growing to $217 billion in 2023.

Why Digital Advertising Is Important

Globally, internet users have increased from 413 million in 2000 to more than 3.4 billion by 2016. And that number continues to grow. Data shows that an average of 640,000 people go online for the first time daily.

Needless to say, your target market is online. Perhaps more than ever. Digital advertising is an important way to reach that market. It can be highly targeted, reaching only the people you want to reach (and not paying for wasted efforts).

Plus, you get access to data that shows you how effective your digital ad campaigns actually are. This is in contrast to traditional forms of advertising that are much harder to measure.

At the end of the day, a digital ad strategy is a key part of a business’s marketing strategy. This includes other channels like search engine optimization, social media marketing, etc.

Is Digital Advertising Effective?

Yes. Some digital advertising channels yield stellar results. For each dollar a business spends on search advertising, for example, the business gains about $11 dollars in return.

Aside from actual ROI, digital advertising is highly targeted and measurable, as mentioned earlier. So, compared to traditional ads, it’s a win for many businesses.

Each ad network, ad format, and industry/audience you are targeting will have different fees and yield different results. For example, the average cost per click for Facebook in 2020 was $0.39, and the average cost for Google search ads in 2020 was $2.69.

What Are Digital Advertising Channels?

There are several ways you can advertise online. Let’s look at the different advertising channels.

Search Advertising

Search advertising allows you to show your ads to people using search engines like Google and Bing and search for what you have to offer. Search ads include those found on the search results page and can include text ads from Google Shopping, Google Play and Google Maps. Search ads run on a pay-per-click model, where the advertiser pays when a person clicks on their ad.

Display Advertising

Display advertising lets you show your ads to your target audience as they browse relevant websites or apps. Display advertising includes graphics, text, or video ads and is typically a pay-per-click model. If, however, the display ad is a video, the fee structure can be based on everything from impressions to how many seconds of the video was watched.

Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising occurs within a social media platform and is a highly targeted way to reach your audience. Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn — all major social media channels have an advertising program that any advertiser can join. Each social media platform charges for ads differently, including for clicks and impressions.

Video Advertising

Video advertising typically refers to ads created for YouTube or display advertising. YouTube advertising, for example, allows you to show your ads to your target market while they are on the YouTube platform. Since Google owns YouTube, you can also use YouTube video ads across its display ad network, as explained here.

According to Statista, when writing, social media ad spending tops the charts, followed by video ads, display ads and then paid search ads (aka search advertising).

(As a side note, we provide these services, so head to our SEM section to learn more!)

Examples of Digital Advertising

Each digital advertising channel offers different ad formats for advertisers. Let’s look at some of those now.

Search Ads

Search ads appear on a search engine results page (SERP) when someone searches for what a website offers. They can appear at the top, bottom, or side of the SERP. Depending on the ad format, they can be made up of text or images. For example, Google Shopping ads include images.

Here are examples of search ads that show up for the query “protein shakes,” including Google Shopping ads at the top:

Google search engine results page for the query "protein shakes."

Display Ads

Display ads are text, images, or videos on websites, apps, or even within email accounts (like Gmail). Many businesses use display ads to start generating interest before someone starts searching for what they have to offer. Display ads are also used to remarket those who have visited a business’s website or app.

Here’s an example of a display ad for supplements that shows up on a third-party recipe website:

Example of display ad for supplements that shows up on a third-party recipe website.

Here’s an example of a display ad for Adobe in the form of a banner ad:

Example of a display ad for Adobe in the form of a banner ad.

Native Ads

Native ads are designed to seamlessly integrate into the platform they show up on — so much so that sometimes they are not easily detected as ads. Native ads are often used on social media platforms but can also appear as recommended content on third-party websites.

Here is an example of a native ad on Facebook:

Example of a native ad on Facebook.

Here is an example of a native LinkedIn ad:

Example of a native LinkedIn ad.

Video Ads

Video ads come in different formats, including:

  • Skippable and non-skippable in-stream ads that play during a video.
  • Bumper ads that can’t be skipped before, during, or after a video.
  • Discovery video ads, which show up in YouTube search results, for example, and more.

As mentioned, you can also use video ads in the Google display network.

Here’s an example of a GoDaddy skippable in-stream ad that shows up for a search for squat lifts:

GoDaddy skippable in-stream ad displaying for a search for squat lifts.

Here is another example of a video discovery ad to the right of a video on YouTube:

Example of a video discovery ad to the right of a video on YouTube.

The categories mentioned here — search, display, native and video ads — are the most common ad formats. It’s worth noting that once you get into a specific advertising network, each will offer different ad formats, including those mentioned in this section.

Ready to take your digital advertising to the next level? Schedule a free consultation and let’s discuss how our SEO experts can help.

FAQ: How can digital advertising benefit my business?

Digital advertising can be an invaluable way of building your online presence, and here is an overview of its many advantages for you and your business.

Reach a Global Audience

Digital advertising allows your business to transcend geographical boundaries. With the right strategy, your message can reach potential customers worldwide, breaking down the limitations of traditional marketing methods.

Precise Targeting

Digital ads give advertisers a powerful way to target specific demographics, interests and behaviors. This precision ensures that your advertisements are shown to those most likely to convert into customers.


Digital advertising can often be more cost-effective than traditional channels like print or television ads, enabling you to allocate resources more efficiently with an improved budget.

Real-time Data Insights

Digital advertising provides instant access to data and analytics. Monitor campaign performance in real-time to make quick decisions and modify your strategy as soon as it occurs.

Improved ROI

Combining precise targeting with data-driven insights leads to higher returns. You can track the ROI of each ad to optimize your campaign and ensure maximum impact.

To take full advantage of its benefits, digital marketing must be understood as a solution tailored specifically for each business objective and target audience. The strategy should be tailored to business goals and target demographics for optimal performance.

Choosing the Right Platforms

Selecting the appropriate digital advertising platforms is crucial. Search engines, social media and display advertising offer unique strengths to their respective audiences.

Crafting Compelling Content

Content that resonates and engages your target audience is crucial for successful marketing campaigns. Focus on creating videos, images and compelling text copy that speaks directly to your target market.

A/B Testing

Regularly test different ad variations to identify what works best. A/B testing allows you to refine your messaging, imagery and calls to action for optimal results.

Ad Scheduling

Consider when your target audience is most active online and schedule your ads accordingly. Timing can significantly affect click-through rates and conversions.

Monitor and Adjust

Continuously monitor your campaign’s performance and adjust your strategy as needed. Make informed decisions by analyzing data and adapting marketing efforts accordingly.

Digital advertising can be an immensely practical and versatile marketing strategy. Understanding its benefits and devising an effective plan will allow your business to succeed more.

Step-by-Step Procedure

  1. Assess your business goals and target audience.
  2. Research and choose the most suitable digital advertising platforms.
  3. Set a realistic budget for your digital advertising campaigns.
  4. Develop engaging and relevant content for your advertisements.
  5. Create multiple ad variations to perform A/B testing.
  6. Schedule your ads to align with your audience’s online activity.
  7. Launch your digital advertising campaigns.
  8. Monitor campaign performance through analytics and tracking tools.
  9. Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement.
  10. Adjust your advertising strategy based on the insights gained.
  11. Continuously optimize your campaigns for better results.
  12. Regularly review your budget allocation and ROI.
  13. Stay updated on industry trends and changes in digital advertising platforms.
  14. Seek expert guidance or consult with professionals if needed.
  15. Adapt your strategy to evolving customer preferences and behaviors.
  16. Maintain a consistent and compelling online presence.
  17. Social media and digital channels can help increase brand visibility.
  18. Monitor and adapt to the strategies of competitors.
  19. Build relationships with your audience via social media and other platforms.
  20. Evaluate the effect of digital advertising on your company’s growth and success.

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Learning SEO for Beginners: Where and How To Start Fri, 16 Jun 2023 22:16:05 +0000 Ready to learn SEO? Read answers to common beginner-related questions, gain practical advice and learn the necessary skills to succeed in digital marketing.

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Woman taking notes watching training course on computer.

Beginning the process of learning SEO can be overwhelming. SEO comes with unique challenges and no matter how well-versed you are in your industry, it is your own area of expertise. Whether you’re looking to change careers and work in SEO marketing, or are a small business owner looking to multiply your SEO efforts, learning SEO is a valuable skill.

The good news is that anyone can learn SEO basics and start their journey with the proper mindset, approach, training, and resources. In this article, I’ll address some common beginner-related queries when starting their SEO journey:

And I’ll offer practical advice to help you along the way. Let’s jump in.

Getting Started with SEO

There’s a lot to think about when you get started. From learning the basics like what SEO is and why it’s important, to more advanced topics like siloing and technical SEO, it might seem intimidating at first. So let’s start simple and look at some common questions that beginners ask.

Is SEO hard to learn?

There is a perception that SEO is a complex and technical field that requires advanced skills and knowledge.

And that is not untrue if you want to be the best – but nobody is an expert when they first start out. And every expert had to take the very same first steps as you will.

SEO is certainly complex, but it is a learnable skill. Is it hard to learn it? Not if you have the proper training and time to dedicate to applying what you’ve learned.

Here are some tips as you embark on your journey to learn SEO:

  • You’ll do best if you break everything down into bite-sized chunks and hone your skills one at a time.
  • Set realistic and measurable goals, and track progress using metrics such as rankings, website traffic, and conversion rates. (Keep in mind: It is the job of SEO to drive qualified traffic to the website. After that, it is the job of the website to convert those leads through marketing tactics.)
  • Celebrate your achievements along the way!
  • Remember: Learning SEO is a continuous process and it is not a once-and-done activity. It requires patience, persistence, and a growth mindset.

What skills do you need for SEO?

Simply understanding SEO can put you on equal footing with experienced professionals, no matter your background or experience level. But be mindful that there are various kinds of SEO skill sets and degrees of expertise within them.

For example, one SEO professional may be a master content creator, while another might be a good SEO strategist. Still, another may be a whiz at implementing technical SEO, while another might focus solely on SEO audits. And some SEO professionals (like us here at Bruce Clay, Inc.) can do it all!

Yes, SEO requires a combination of technical and creative abilities. And, of course, the most valuable SEO asset is expertise, which comes over time.

Here are some skill sets that will help you succeed in SEO:

  • An analytical mindset.
  • The ability to thrive in a fast-paced, ever-changing environment.
  • The desire to continuously learn SEO knowledge and improve skills.
  • An ethical approach to SEO.

You can also check out the soft skills that SEOs need to succeed, too.

Does SEO require coding?

People often want to know if SEO requires coding. Short answer? Yes and no.

If you aren’t interested in learning code and you don’t have a technical background, you’re going to hit a wall eventually with how much you can learn. That said, many areas of SEO do not require coding — a study from Backlinko analyzed more than 7,000 SEO job postings and found that the majority of SEO jobs covered more general tasks. Only about 23% required technical SEO skills, but the ability to code often meant more pay.

Here are some recommendations as you develop your SEO skill set:

  • Focus on mastering the foundational aspects of SEO first, such as keyword research and quality content creation before diving into more technical aspects of SEO.
  • Use SEO tools and SEO plugins to automate or simplify some of the technical aspects of SEO, such as schema markup and meta tags.
  • Collaborate with a developer or hire an SEO agency to handle the technical aspects of SEO, while you focus on the creative aspects.

How do I learn SEO?

Most people learn SEO on their own, go through formal training, or a combination of both. (Read more about how to learn SEO.)

Learning SEO on your own

Some beginners prefer to learn SEO on their own at their own pace, rather than investing in formal training.

But this approach can be daunting. There is no lack of opinions and resources when it comes to SEO; videos, books, webinars, and more exist – how will you start and pull together everything necessary for successful implementation?

Also: Some people may lack the structure, feedback, and accountability provided by a teacher or mentor.

A word of caution: If you are learning from those who are not approaching SEO the right way, it can have serious ramifications for your developing skills and the websites you work on.

As you can probably tell, I lean more towards not trying to learn SEO on your own without some sort of formal training, which I’ll talk about next. But if you are going at it alone, I suggest starting with our free comprehensive Search Engine Optimization: How To Do SEO Guide. It’s packed with 19 lessons that teach you SEO basics, best practices, and everything you need to know to get ranked.

Taking an SEO training program

When it comes to formal SEO training programs, you have options. How do you evaluate those options so that you are investing wisely?

Here are some tips:

  • Find out who the people are behind the training – are they reputable?
  • Assess the material covered. Is it comprehensive on the subjects you want to learn?
  • Discover how the information is presented. Does it jive with your learning style?
  • Dig deeper to find out how fresh the information is. Were the videos recorded years ago, and is the information out of date?
  • Read the reviews – what are other students saying about the program?

If you decide to take an online, self-paced SEO training program (like ours at, here are some tips to stay on track:

  • Set goals for yourself and support those goals with a study schedule you can commit to.
  • Leverage all the resources available to you from the program.
  • Connect with an SEO mentor on your learning journey.

For more, check out my articles featured on Search Engine Land:

Continuing education

After you learn the foundations of SEO, you have the burden of continuing education, which, in a fast-paced environment like SEO, should occur on a weekly or monthly basis.

Search engines update their algorithms frequently, and best practices change over time. This can be overwhelming; many feel like they are always playing catch-up.

To overcome this:

  • Follow reputable SEO sources, like our SEO blog, and other blogs, social media accounts, or email lists.
  • Attend SEO webinars or conferences to network and learn from other professionals and experts.
  • Experiment with new keyword approaches and marketing strategies.

Final Thoughts

Digital marketing is a complex (but exciting!) world. Never stop learning about SEO. Remember — both your failures AND your successes can help you learn. And finally, be patient. SEO takes time, but with the right approach and mindset, anyone can learn it.

Ready to start your SEO journey? Check out our expert online SEO training course to learn what it takes to successfully compete in search.

FAQ: How can beginners overcome the overwhelming nature of learning SEO and start their journey in digital marketing?

Beginners looking to enter SEO should break their learning process down into manageable chunks. SEO is a complex subject with multiple concepts and techniques, so it’s essential that newcomers develop one skill at a time before progressing to more advanced topics. Beginners can create a solid SEO foundation by mastering basic topics first before moving on to more advanced ones.

As SEO is an ever-evolving field, embracing experimentation can be invaluable. There’s no one approach that fits everyone! Don’t be intimidated to explore different approaches and techniques as long as they adhere to ethical standards. Learning from mistakes allows you to grow and advance in the industry.

As part of a strategy to track progress, setting realistic and measurable targets is crucial to ensure successful SEO efforts. Metrics like website traffic and rankings will allow you to assess SEO success; its primary function should be driving qualified traffic towards your site while the website should then convert these leads using effective marketing techniques.

Celebrating your achievements along the way will keep you motivated and ensure a positive outlook. SEO requires patience and persistence; reinforce your progress by celebrating milestones along the way and staying inspired!

Beginners can manage the overwhelming nature of SEO through a systematic approach, including experimentation with various techniques, setting measurable objectives, and celebrating successes. Anyone can achieve digital marketing success with dedication and a growth mindset.

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Observation on our SEO Industry and the Job Market for SEOs Tue, 18 Jan 2022 15:00:10 +0000 Learn what the "Father of SEO" Bruce Clay thinks about the state of the SEO industry and the job market in 2022.

The post Observation on our SEO Industry and the Job Market for SEOs appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Letters spelling out "SEO" with a magnifying glass for the letter "O."
I have been here since the beginning. I have been called the “Father of SEO” in part because I have been here for so long — I started three years before Google! And the industry has certainly evolved over these 26+ years.

As a company, we have always taken our place as mentors and teachers of how SEO should be done. Often unpopular, frequently disagreeing with what “works” because it is just not right, and speaking up for SEO as a trade … that is us.

The Industry

The industry has grown over the years as people have learned and prospered as SEOs. Many people with a lot of experience have become leaders of in-house departments as SEO became a many billion-dollar industry. I congratulate you all on your success. But with this evolution came the plague of all successful industries — demand exceeding supply.

BCI saw prospective clients complaining that they had gone through three or four other SEO agencies who knew less than the client did about SEO. The client was actually teaching their agency how to do SEO!

Clients now know even more about digital marketing, and these superficial SEO firms are struggling. Clients come to us looking for expertise they can’t find elsewhere. I guess our training courses, conference masterclasses, and websites were successful.

Company of Experts

The obvious solution for us was to build a company of experts — and so we did. Currently, our SEO and PPC staff average about 15 years of experience. We are leaders in our space and growing rapidly. Clients have learned the hard way that if you think it’s expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur. We are the agency companies call when SEO really matters. We are hiring remote staff and paying well above competitive wages. And we are not experiencing the knowledge gap plague.

But now, we are seeing a strange problem. Because of COVID, the demand for SEO competency has never been higher. And demand is driving up salaries for great SEOs. The SEO firms that were not hiring experts find even their novice staff wages dramatically increasing by up to 50% — and with no way to increase billings 50%. They are losing their skilled workers at a fast pace and paying more for what is left. Many smaller agencies may fold this year as margins fade.

Small agency survival depends upon reducing their time spent per project during a time when Google is changing 12 times a day, and the competition is hiring SEO-skilled people … a rock and a hard place for many smaller SEO firms. They cannot produce quality results in less time with amateur staff.

SEO Help

So how can we help our industry now?

We love teaching SEO. We built as a way to train continuously instead of once and done — we put our money into helping the entire industry. We are committed to continuing to build our industry. At our core, we are and will remain expert mentors and teachers.

I decided that what our industry needs is to properly develop senior SEOs into experts. There are many people that really are very skilled but lack 10+ years of experience. These folks are looking for challenging work solving SEO puzzles that excite them. And they are fumbling around in a pool of failing agencies.

The role of an industry leader is not just to make money. A leader accepts the role of industry teacher.

We have developed mentors and resources to bring others to their expert potential. And so we will. Being the Father of SEO is an obligation, not just a great marketing slogan.

We are looking to hire many SEOs who think they are great at SEO and have reasonable experience to prove it, even if it is far less than 10 years. We will bring them into our agency as remote workers and develop them as experts. We will compensate them well and provide opportunities to work on a lot of broad as well as complex, deep-dive projects along with our existing industry experts. And we will keep doing it. And, yes, we are also still looking for experts to add to our staff.

It is time to build the next generation of experts. If that person is you, then contact us.

FAQ: How has the SEO industry evolved and what steps can professionals take to succeed in this dynamic field?

The SEO landscape has evolved dramatically since its inception, becoming a cornerstone of modern digital marketing strategies. As an industry expert, I’ve witnessed its progression firsthand and can offer valuable insights to help professionals excel in this dynamic field.

Profound shifts have marked the journey of the SEO industry. From its humble beginnings, where keyword stuffing reigned supreme, to today’s complex algorithms prioritizing user experience, the industry’s evolution has been relentless. Search engines like Google have refined their ranking mechanisms to emphasize quality content, relevance, and user intent. Professionals must recognize this shift and align their strategies accordingly.

Evolving Approach

One crucial evolution is the transition from keyword-centric tactics to a user-centric approach. Beyond keywords, it’s about crafting content that fulfills user intent and provides genuine value. Today’s successful SEO professionals understand the importance of comprehensive, authoritative, and engaging content that resonates with the target audience. This shift not only improves rankings but also enhances user satisfaction.

Technical Prowess

Technical prowess is another key aspect of the industry’s evolution. Mobile-friendliness, page speed, and secure browsing have become critical ranking factors. Professionals must ensure websites are optimized for various devices and offer seamless experiences. Regular audits and optimizations are essential to maintain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Staying Informed

In this dynamic field, staying updated is paramount. SEO professionals must dedicate time to continuous learning and staying informed about algorithm updates, industry trends, and emerging technologies. Networking with peers, attending conferences, and following reputable industry blogs can provide valuable insights to adapt strategies effectively.

Holistic Success

To succeed in today’s SEO landscape, professionals must embrace change, foster creativity, and adopt a holistic approach. Understanding the audience, conducting thorough keyword research, and leveraging data-driven insights are fundamental. Balancing on-page optimization, technical excellence, and strategic link-building can lead to sustainable success.

Step-by-Step Procedure: How to Succeed in the Evolving SEO Industry

  1. Stay Informed: Regularly follow reputable SEO blogs, forums, and news sources to keep up with industry updates.
  2. Understand User Intent: Focus on creating content that addresses user needs and intent, rather than just keywords.
  3. Prioritize User Experience: Optimize website speed, mobile-friendliness, and security to enhance user satisfaction.
  4. Diversify Content: Experiment with various content formats like videos, infographics, and podcasts to engage audiences.
  5. Leverage Data: Utilize analytics tools to gather insights and make informed decisions for optimization.
  6. Master On-Page SEO: Craft compelling meta tags, headers, and optimize content for targeted keywords.
  7. Invest in Technical SEO: Regularly audit the website for technical issues and ensure optimal performance.
  8. Embrace Local SEO: If relevant, optimize for local searches by claiming Google My Business listing and garnering reviews.
  9. Build Quality Backlinks: Focus on acquiring authoritative and relevant backlinks to boost your site’s credibility.
  10. Utilize Social Media: Share and promote content on social platforms to increase visibility and engagement.
  11. Adapt to Algorithm Changes: Be prepared for algorithm updates by maintaining a flexible approach.
  12. Explore Voice Search: Optimize content for voice search queries as voice assistants gain popularity.
  13. Think Mobile-First: Ensure your website provides an exceptional experience on mobile devices.
  14. Network and Collaborate: Engage with other professionals in the industry to exchange insights and strategies.
  15. Monitor Competitors: Analyze competitors’ strategies and identify opportunities for differentiation.
  16. Offer Value: Prioritize providing value to your audience through informative and useful content.
  17. Track and Measure: Continuously monitor key performance indicators to evaluate the success of your strategies.
  18. Adopt Ethical Practices: Stay within search engine guidelines to avoid penalties and maintain credibility.
  19. Adapt and Innovate: Embrace new technologies and trends to stay ahead of the curve.
  20. Seek Continuous Learning: Invest in your professional development through courses, workshops, and certifications.

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SEO Is a Leap of Faith, Not a Commodity Thu, 07 Jan 2021 19:16:17 +0000 In economics, the market treats a commodity (for example, coffee beans) exactly the same across the board, no matter who produced it. SEO, however, is not a commodity. And yes, choosing an SEO can be a leap of faith. Cheap SEO vendors will say: “Every SEO only edits meta tags and gets links, so why […]

The post SEO Is a Leap of Faith, Not a Commodity appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Man taking a leap of faith.

In economics, the market treats a commodity (for example, coffee beans) exactly the same across the board, no matter who produced it. SEO, however, is not a commodity. And yes, choosing an SEO can be a leap of faith.

Cheap SEO vendors will say: “Every SEO only edits meta tags and gets links, so why pay more?” This implies that every SEO professional is the same. This could not be further from the truth.

There is no set of standards when it comes to the SEO industry. There are only experts who charge a premium for their skills, knowledge, and strategies and amateurs who charge low fees for ticking off items on an SEO checklist. A checklist exists as a guide to get you started — but that’s seldom all it takes.

Cheap SEO is a Near-Death Experience

We know where the latter choice gets us. I’ve explained in the past why cheap SEO is a near-death experience:

There’s a saying in the project management world: good, fast, cheap — pick two. You can usually get something that’s good and fast (like Chinese food delivered from UberEATS) or cheap and fast (a service on Fiverr). But good and cheap is harder to find.

Want good SEO, fast? Double up on your budget for more resources. Want cheap SEO, fast? That’s easy, but you get what you pay for. Want SEO that’s both good quality and cheap? Sorry, but that’s not an option. … Cheap SEO is a near-death experience. It’s an impending death of your website and your business. The way to avoid death is superior quality, and that comes at a price.

We all know that a high school basketball team cannot beat the Los Angeles Lakers. Experience, skill, and quality count for a lot, most notably the ability to win. I’ve written about that before on what it takes to be an expert SEO:

Do a search for “how to become a pro basketball player” and you’ll get endless advice. Stay in the game for many years, hone your skills by training, work hard, and understand the commitment you need to succeed. Being an SEO is no different.

To be in the top three out of millions of results for hundreds of keywords takes expert skill that an amateur just cannot provide. Simply editing meta tags and getting links will not get you there.

I’ve said many times before that experience makes a difference:

Experience is what sets agencies apart. It allows us to solve the toughest SEO problems out there for our clients when no other solutions exist in-house. And that’s what’s needed now more than ever.

Still, in many ways, engaging in SEO is a leap of faith. Even when an SEO vendor has proven expertise and demonstrable results, businesses have to take that leap of faith for a chance to succeed in the search results. They simply cannot say, “It’s not worth the risk.”

No Guarantees in SEO

Remember, in SEO, there are no guarantees:

SEO takes place in an environment where the search engines constantly change their rules and algorithms and where competitors continually adapt. It takes skill, effort and time to compete well. … What quality SEOs can guarantee is their best effort backed by years of experience and education. They can demonstrate achievement backed by a strong reputation, and show past results including references. Those results may include No. 1 rankings for their clients. But they cannot promise rankings. That is unethical.

To succeed, a business leader has to believe that the competitor at the top can be beaten and that to beat them, they will do whatever it takes because they are worthy as an expert in their industry.

So, are you an expert? Will you do what it takes? Are you better than the people ranking at the top? Do you see that expert skills matter when it comes to SEO, and pros usually crush amateurs? What’s it worth to you to get there?

My advice is to get into the game.

If your digital marketing could use an expert assist, here’s where you can contact us for a free consultation without delay.

FAQ: How does expertise impact the success of SEO efforts?

A profound understanding of SEO principles and algorithms is not merely a luxury but an absolute necessity. The algorithms that govern search engine rankings are ever-evolving, demanding a vigilant expert who can interpret these changes and adjust strategies accordingly. Without this expert guidance, businesses risk falling behind in the digital race.

Expertise is the compass that guides SEO efforts toward fruitful outcomes. An SEO expert possesses an in-depth comprehension of search engine algorithms, keyword research, and on-page and off-page optimization techniques. This multifaceted knowledge enables them to perform a comprehensive website audit, identifying areas for improvement that might elude a novice. Furthermore, an expert is attuned to the nuanced balance between user experience and technical optimization, ensuring that a website not only ranks well but also provides value to its visitors.

Staying ahead demands more than foundational SEO understanding in the ever-competitive digital realm. Expertise extends to staying informed about the latest trends and adapting strategies accordingly. With search engines favoring mobile-friendly and fast-loading websites, an expert knows the significance of responsive design and optimizing site speed. Such insights can significantly impact the bounce rate and user engagement, influencing search engine rankings.

Content lies at the heart of SEO, and expertise is the driving force behind crafting high-quality, relevant, and engaging content. An SEO expert comprehends the power of incorporating target keywords judiciously while maintaining natural and compelling prose. This delicate balance not only appeases search engine bots but also captivates human readers, amplifying the chances of shares and backlinks – essential elements for domain authority enhancement.

Link building, a crucial off-page optimization strategy, demands expert finesse. Knowing where and how to build authoritative backlinks can make or break an SEO campaign. An expert understands the significance of building a diverse and credible backlink profile, steering clear of black-hat tactics that could lead to penalties. Their network and experience enable them to secure high-value opportunities that might otherwise remain inaccessible.

Expertise is the linchpin of successful SEO endeavors. It transcends the superficial and dives deep into the intricacies that dictate search engine rankings. An SEO expert possesses the knowledge to navigate algorithmic shifts, create compelling content, optimize technical aspects, and build authoritative backlinks. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, placing your SEO strategies in the hands of an expert is a strategic investment that yields long-lasting and meaningful results.

Step-by-Step Procedure: How Expertise Drives SEO Success

  1. Master Search Engine Algorithms: Understand the ever-evolving algorithms determining search engine rankings.
  2. Comprehensive Keyword Research: Conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-value target keywords.
  3. Optimize On-Page Elements: Skillfully optimize meta tags, headers, and content for targeted keywords.
  4. Technical SEO Audit: Perform a comprehensive website audit to identify technical optimization opportunities.
  5. Responsive Design Implementation: Ensure your website is responsive and mobile-friendly.
  6. Prioritize Site Speed: Optimize loading times for improved user experience and search engine rankings.
  7. Craft Engaging Content: Create high-quality, valuable, and relevant content that resonates with your audience.
  8. Keyword Integration: Integrate target keywords naturally into your content for better optimization.
  9. User Experience Enhancement: Enhance user experience through intuitive navigation and engaging design.
  10. Stay Abreast of Trends: Continuously monitor and adapt to evolving SEO trends and best practices.
  11. Mobile Optimization: Optimize your website for mobile devices to capture a growing mobile audience.
  12. Natural Backlink Building: Focus on acquiring authoritative and relevant backlinks through ethical means.
  13. Avoid Black-Hat Techniques: Steer clear of spammy link-building tactics that could lead to penalties.
  14. Content Promotion: Strategically promote your content to encourage shares and backlinks.
  15. Network Building: Establish connections with influencers and websites for potential collaborations.
  16. Monitor Analytics: Regularly analyze website performance and adjust strategies based on data.
  17. Adapt to Algorithm Changes: Swiftly adapt your SEO strategies to algorithmic shifts.
  18. Local SEO Expertise: Understand the nuances of local SEO for location-based businesses.
  19. Consistent Efforts: Maintain a consistent SEO effort rather than seeking quick fixes.
  20. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry developments to refine your expertise continually.

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3 Simple But Powerful Search Ads Strategies To Use Right Now Mon, 27 Apr 2020 18:05:26 +0000 As we continue to weather uncertain times, many businesses are reviewing their current advertising. Recent reports show search ad spending is down as much as $8 billion. Even Google slashed its marketing budget by 50% in the last week. Not every industry is going to be impacted in the same way. Indeed, some sectors are […]

The post 3 Simple But Powerful Search Ads Strategies To Use Right Now appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Man seeing search ads on screen.

As we continue to weather uncertain times, many businesses are reviewing their current advertising. Recent reports show search ad spending is down as much as $8 billion. Even Google slashed its marketing budget by 50% in the last week.

Not every industry is going to be impacted in the same way. Indeed, some sectors are seeing increased volume and performance.

Regardless, Google is rallying to help businesses affected, including $340 million in Google Ads credits for SMBs.

Right now, there is one thing that all industries have in common: the ability to use ads to their advantage. As I’ve outlined previously, now is not the time to completely stop marketing or advertising.

Even if you’re in a sector that is almost at a complete halt, you can use search ads to keep in touch, stay on top of mind, and drive conversions.

1. Pivot Your Offerings

In response to current conditions, many businesses are pivoting their focus completely, or offering free or low-cost versions of their products and services.

For example, booze makers are turning to hand-sanitizing products amidst the shortage. Others are now offering free shipping.

Microsoft Advertising released insights and trends that include specific advice for certain industries. The auto industry, for example, should be focusing on deals and incentives right now.

Whatever it is that is changing with your business, you’re going to need to communicate it, and you can do that with search ads.

2. Change Your Messaging

Now is the time to revamp your messaging if you haven’t already. For many businesses, ads are on autopilot. But you need to make sure your messaging matches the current tone of the crisis.

For airlines and hotels, that may mean discussing future travel plans. For restaurants, you may want to highlight delivery and pick-up options, and how you are ensuring food safety.

For some, that means promoting top-of-the-funnel content in your search ads. This could include videos, podcasts, webinars, and other marketing initiatives. It might be as simple as driving ad traffic to landing pages with COVID-19-specific information.

And yes, you can use PPC for crisis communications. The manufacturers of Corona beer would have had the perfect opportunity to do so when people stopped buying Corona beer after the coronavirus outbreak.

So think about it. What key information do you need to disseminate when someone searches for your brand online right now? Use the search ads channel to your advantage as people are still searching online, albeit in different ways.

3. Consider Location Targeting

Make sure you think about how the current crisis will impact your location targeting now and in the future.

It’s no surprise that 20 percent of advertisers have decreased their local geotargeting as a result of COVID-19.

But what about the future? In a recent post, I talked about how the current crisis will change the way we live and search. And that can have huge implications for search advertising.

In the future, city centers may see a dramatic decrease in foot and car traffic, impacting local businesses. Local neighborhood businesses, on the other hand, have the potential to reign as a result of a new work-from-home economy.

For both categories of local businesses, a customer’s first touch point is likely to be a Google search (versus the normal kind of traffic that local businesses tend to see).

In conclusion, yes, we’re in uncertain times. But one thing we have control over is how we add value now and communicate that to our audience. Search ads are just one way we can show our audience we are still here.

Interested in helping manage your PPC search marketing? Contact us for a free consultation.

FAQ: What trends should I consider for location targeting in a changing landscape?

Location targeting has become a cornerstone of successful marketing campaigns. With consumer behavior and technology constantly evolving, it’s essential to stay ahead of the curve. Here, we’ll explore the key trends you should consider for location targeting in this changing landscape.

  1. Hyper-Personalization is King

In a world inundated with marketing messages, hyper-personalization stands out. Leveraging user data, you can tailor your content and offers to individual preferences. This not only enhances customer engagement but also boosts conversion rates. Utilize advanced analytics tools to gather insights into consumer behavior, enabling you to create highly targeted campaigns.

  1. Privacy Matters More than Ever

With increasing concerns about data privacy, it’s crucial to prioritize user consent and data security. Transparency in data collection and usage builds trust with your audience. Ensure compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA to avoid hefty fines and maintain a positive brand reputation.

  1. Geofencing for Precision Targeting

Geofencing allows you to draw virtual boundaries around specific geographic areas, triggering personalized content or offers when users enter or exit these zones. This trend is particularly valuable for local businesses seeking to attract nearby customers. Ensure your geofencing strategy aligns with your target audience’s movements.

  1. AI and Machine Learning Integration

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) technologies can analyze vast datasets and provide real-time insights. Implement AI-driven algorithms to predict user behavior and automate decision-making processes, optimizing your location targeting efforts.

  1. Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences

AR is gaining ground in location-based marketing. Brands are using AR to create interactive, immersive experiences for customers. By integrating AR elements into your campaigns, you can engage users in novel ways and leave a lasting impression.

The landscape of location targeting is ever-changing, but by staying informed about these trends, you can position your marketing efforts for success. Hyper-personalization, data privacy, geofencing, AI, and AR experiences are all pivotal aspects of this dynamic field. Embrace these trends, adapt your strategies, and watch your marketing campaigns thrive in the changing landscape.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  1. Begin by understanding the importance of location targeting in modern marketing.
  2. Embrace hyper-personalization as a core strategy, utilizing advanced analytics for insights.
  3. Prioritize user data privacy and comply with relevant data protection regulations.
  4. Explore geofencing techniques to engage local audiences effectively.
  5. Implement AI and ML technologies to optimize your location targeting efforts.
  6. Consider integrating AR experiences into your campaigns for enhanced engagement.
  7. Continuously monitor industry trends and adapt your strategies accordingly.

By following these steps, you can effectively leverage location targeting trends to stay competitive in the ever-evolving marketing landscape.

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Will Work-From-Home SEO and PPC Teams Be the Rule Going Forward? Mon, 13 Apr 2020 16:21:51 +0000 Working from home has been a growing trend for years now. By 2018, nearly a quarter of the workforce already worked from home in some capacity. Other research shows the number as high as 43 percent. With the pandemic we’re now facing, the number of remote workers has exploded. A recent survey shows that 85 […]

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Woman working from home.

Working from home has been a growing trend for years now. By 2018, nearly a quarter of the workforce already worked from home in some capacity. Other research shows the number as high as 43 percent.

With the pandemic we’re now facing, the number of remote workers has exploded. A recent survey shows that 85 percent of employers are encouraging employees to work from home now.

Crisis aside, this could be a welcomed change for many. Research shows that employees want to work from home. Eighty-two percent of working professionals would like to work from home one day a week or more. Fifty-seven percent want to work from home for three or more days.

Unfortunately, the recent crisis has thrust many ill-equipped businesses into a work-from-home (WFH) scenario.

So we’re facing an experiment. Those who can work out the tweaks now may be prepared for a future where WFH could be the norm. And there are a lot of benefits that come with that.

Of course, some industries and job roles are better set up for WFH than others. Luckily, digital marketing is one of those industries that can thrive … if you can get it right.

How Remote Work Creates Opportunity for Search Marketing Agencies

A couple of years back, Bruce Clay Inc. started exploring the idea of a remote workforce. But the concept wasn’t just to let regional employees work remotely. It was to find talent outside our location to employ workers wherever they lived.

We knew that if we limited our talent search geographically, there was less of a chance we could continue to build a high-caliber agency team.

See, the typical SEO company/agency scenario goes like this: After competing for seasoned pros in the local talent pool, you start hiring entry-level pros and interns.

Then, you have the monumental task of training them, mentoring them, and getting them up to par to work on accounts.

But this employee only lasts so long. Many new professionals want new roles with more money and better titles. Then comes the turnover, and the cycle begins again.

In this environment, if you are restrained to one location for talent, the workforce implodes.

That’s why we decided to create a work-from-home (WFH) workforce. This has allowed us to hire only the most seasoned digital talent. Right now, our team extends throughout the U.S., and all of our analysts have a minimum of 10 years of experience, with an average of over 15 years.

As a result, we’ve found employees to be very happy working with our company but with the flexibility of living where they want. Client satisfaction is up, too, because our clients work only with experts.

The Pros and Cons as Search Agencies Face WFH Mandates

A remote workforce has been shown to be more productive. For instance, one in four workers quits a job because of the commute. But remote workers put in the equivalent of 1.4 additional days per month on average (16.8 more days per year).

One study suggests that WFA employees (work from anywhere) are even more productive than WFH workers.

Remote working is not without its challenges. But if you know what those challenges are, you can be better prepared to address them.

And surprise: The biggest challenges have nothing to do with distractions, being in a different time zone or staying motivated.

Instead, remote workers cite unplugging after work, loneliness, and communication and collaboration as the top issues:

Bar graph showing biggest struggles with working remotely survey data.

Technology rules here. Making sure that employees have the right equipment and stay connected is key, as “cabin fever” is an issue now, too. We’ve found that using tools like Slack and Basecamp and having daily huddles helps.

The sudden changes that many search marketing agencies are facing now create more challenges (versus a properly planned WFH program).

For instance, many agencies are going to find that a workforce of entry-level professionals who need mentoring is going to fail in the current environment.

In our experience, seasoned pros fare much better in a remote situation. They don’t need the same level of guidance.

Can this be addressed with virtual learning solutions? Sure, but perhaps not quickly enough in this situation.

This article has good tips on managing a newly remote workforce. And this one gives advice on the logistics.

We Can Do This

This wasn’t a planned exercise. But many are proving that WFH can work. The technology is there; the blueprints are available.

For many search agencies, the new challenge will be: How do you keep them on the farm when they’ve been to the big city? Many employees will prove they can be just as productive working from home and happier doing it.

In the meantime, as you work through the logistics, free resources are here to make working from home go smoothly.

If you could use expert assistance with your paid or organic search marketing, contact us for a free quote.

FAQ: What are the top challenges of remote work for search agencies, and how can they be overcome?

Remote work has recently become the new norm, offering flexibility and convenience. However, it poses unique challenges for search agencies that rely heavily on collaboration, research, and client interactions. In this article, we will dissect the top challenges of remote work for search agencies and offer practical strategies for conquering them.

  1. Maintaining Team Cohesion: Search agencies thrive on collaboration and brainstorming sessions. In a remote setup, it’s challenging to replicate the spontaneous exchange of ideas that happens in an office environment. To overcome this, foster a virtual teamwork culture by scheduling regular video meetings brainstorming sessions, and using collaboration tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams to encourage communication.
  2. Client Communication and Trust Building: client relationships are pivotal for search agencies. Remote work can hinder face-to-face interactions. To tackle this, leverage video conferencing for client meetings to maintain a personal touch. Additionally, ensure timely and transparent communication to build trust.
  3. Data Security Concerns: Handling sensitive client data is a significant responsibility. With employees working remotely, data security becomes a paramount concern. Implement robust security protocols and VPNs, and ensure employees are well-educated on data protection measures to mitigate risks.
  4. Monitoring and Productivity: It can be challenging to monitor employee productivity remotely. Implement time-tracking software and establish clear KPIs to ensure everyone is on track. Trust your team but verify their progress to maintain productivity levels.
  5. Employee Burnout: Remote work can blur the boundaries between work and personal life, leading to burnout. Encourage employees to establish clear work hours and take regular breaks. Promote a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout.

Step-by-Step Procedure to Overcome Remote Work Challenges for Search Agencies

  1. Schedule regular video meetings and brainstorming sessions to maintain team cohesion.
  2. Use video conferencing for client meetings to build and maintain client relationships.
  3. Implement data security protocols and VPNs and educate employees on data protection.
  4. Utilize time-tracking software and set clear KPIs for productivity monitoring.
  5. Encourage work-life balance and regular breaks to prevent employee burnout.

Remote work presents unique challenges for search agencies, but these hurdles can be overcome with careful planning, communication, and the right tools. Search agencies can thrive in remote work by prioritizing team cohesion, client relationships, data security, productivity monitoring, and employee well-being.

This article was updated on December 20, 2023.  

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Cheap SEO Is a Near-Death Experience Tue, 31 Mar 2020 18:24:47 +0000 Quality SEO: If cheap and fast SEO worked then everyone would rank number 1. Instead, it takes meticulous high quality work to be top-3 out of millions of results. If you want value from your SEO project, cheap and fast is not your solution. There’s a phenomenon that occurs with near-death experiences. Many people report […]

The post Cheap SEO Is a Near-Death Experience appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Cheap SEO is a near-death experience quote by Bruce Clay.

Quality SEO: If cheap and fast SEO worked then everyone would rank number 1. Instead, it takes meticulous high quality work to be top-3 out of millions of results. If you want value from your SEO project, cheap and fast is not your solution.

There’s a phenomenon that occurs with near-death experiences. Many people report having seen a bright light at the end of a tunnel or so-called angels. This is often accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of pure love.

But that’s not what happens when your business dies. It’s often a slow, excruciating experience that involves a decrease in online visibility, traffic, leads, and conversions. There is no bright light at the end of the tunnel, but you may feel something: overwhelming desperation.

Why do businesses have these near-death experiences? There are many reasons. CB Insights says being out-competed and poor marketing are among the Top-10. I agree.

There’s a saying in the project management world: good, fast, cheap — pick two. You can usually get something that’s good and fast (like Chinese food delivered from UberEATS) or cheap and fast (a service on Fiverr). But good and cheap is harder to find.

Want good SEO, fast? Double up on your budget for more resources. Want cheap SEO, fast? That’s easy, but you get what you pay for. Want SEO that’s both good quality and cheap? Sorry, but that’s not an option.

Venn diagram illustrating good, cheap and fast search engine optimization.

We’re living in a time where products and services are brought to market that give regular folks access to high quality for a small price. So, it’s no wonder that many businesses expect the same from SEO. But SEO is not one of those services.

Cheap SEO is a near-death experience. It’s an impending death of your website and your business. The way to avoid death is superior quality, and that comes at a price.

But understand that you’re not just throwing money into a black hole. Quality SEO pays dividends in more traffic, good user experience, and conversions, which equals money.

The bottom line: Don’t sacrifice quality SEO if you want to be in the top five results on Page 1 of the search results.

How Do I Know If I’m Getting Quality SEO?

Henry Ford once said that “quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” But how do you know if you’re getting a quality SEO service? There are a great many things you can do to assess vendors and practices, as I’ve previously outlined in this article on how to evaluate an SEO company.

The bottom line is that expert SEO advice will come from expert sources. But it’s up to you to do your due diligence.

Just some of the things to consider when assessing SEO vendors:

  • How long has the SEO vendor been in business?
  • Does the internal team have sufficient skills and experience?
  • Does the company demonstrate thought leadership through speaking engagements, expert content or training?
  • Does the company have a good reputation among its peers in the industry?
  • Has the company received any awards or accolades?
  • How involved is the company in the industry’s professional organizations and/or professional community?
  • Does the company have SEO methods that are keeping within Google’s quality guidelines (aka “white hat” practices)?

Remember: Two different SEO professionals could look at the same website and see totally different things. Analyzing a website, pinpointing issues, and prescribing solutions comes from experience.

For more on hiring a quality SEO service, check out Google’s advice for hiring an SEO agency.

How Much Should I Spend on SEO?

Budget constraints are one of the top five reasons that SEO projects fail. When looking at your long-term business and SEO goals, the question you have to ask yourself is: How long am I willing to wait until I beat my competition? This determines your budget.

Part of the problem is that many businesses don’t understand SEO’s worth. SEO is not a put-in-a-quarter-and-get-a-dollar-out strategy. SEO takes time. It’s an investment. It’s a leap of faith.

But those who stay in the game reap the rewards, as SEO has proven again and again to drive revenue. This chart from BrightEdge research shows how much revenue the organic search channel drives.

Chart from BrightEdge research showing how much revenue the organic search channel drives.

So, how much should you actually pay for SEO? Businesses should allocate five to 10 percent of their revenue to SEO as a cost of advertising. And every industry is different. Some industries invest a lot more in advertising because that is what it takes to compete. In other sectors, less money may go a long way.

If your competition is getting most of their traffic from organic search and you’re not there it’s only going to get worse for you. By the way, organic search is the dominant marketing channel for most industries at 53 percent on average.

And yes, you can hire a cheap service and get more hours. The question is: Will it be high value for your business? Is it enough to beat your competition?

Not only that, but cheap SEO can cost more in the long run. Many businesses have paid for low-cost SEO only to have little results, or worse, have their near-death experience.

What Is Valuable to Your Business?

Most everything that’s quality has a price. When you buy an expensive car, you spend money to get all the features and outcomes that are valuable to you, including longevity. Cheap cars may be shiny driving off the lot, but as the paint begins to fade, the realization is that what you’re left with is a quick fix.

SEO is no different. The quality is going to be proportionate to your investment. So you have to ask: What is valuable to your business in the long term? Is it to remain competitive? If so, you have to be prepared to compete, and sometimes it is to work smarter. And that means investing in quality SEO services.

Interested in learning more about our SEO services? We invite you to call us or start the conversation with our contact form.

FAQ: How Much Should I Allocate for SEO in My Budget?

Search Engine Optimization is no longer an optional expense; it has become an indispensable necessity. However, budgeting for SEO may seem difficult; we will explore all the factors affecting it to help guide an informed decision process.

Understanding Your Business Goals

Before allocating a specific budget to SEO, aligning your SEO strategy with your business objectives is imperative. Consider where you currently stand and want to be regarding online visibility and traffic. Are you aiming for local or global reach? Are you looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or boost e-commerce sales? The answers to these questions will guide your budget allocation.

Competitive Analysis Matters

Your industry and the level of competition within it can greatly impact your SEO budget. Conduct a thorough competitive analysis to understand your rivals’ investment in SEO. Use this worksheet as a starting point, but remember that your approach may need to be adjusted depending on your business’s unique circumstances and goals.

Quality Over Quantity

It’s a common misconception that pouring a large sum into SEO will guarantee immediate success. In reality, the quality of your SEO efforts matters more than the quantity of your budget. Prioritize areas with the most significant impact, such as keyword research, content optimization, and technical SEO improvements.

Continuous Monitoring and Adaptation

SEO is an ongoing process, and your budget should reflect that. Allocate funds not only for initial optimization but also for continuous monitoring and adaptation. SEO trends, algorithms, and consumer behavior change over time. Regularly assess your SEO strategy and adjust your budget to stay ahead.

Allocating the right budget for SEO is a pivotal decision that can shape the success of your online presence. You can make the most of your SEO investments by aligning your budget with your business goals, analyzing your competition, focusing on quality, and allowing for ongoing adjustments.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Determining Your SEO Budget

  1. Begin by clearly defining your business goals and objectives related to SEO.
  2. Assess your current online presence and determine where you want to improve.
  3. Research your industry and competitors to understand their SEO strategies and budgets.
  4. Calculate a baseline budget by considering your business size and industry standards.
  5. Prioritize key SEO areas that align with your goals, such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and link building.
  6. Allocate a portion of your budget for ongoing monitoring and adaptation.
  7. Consider working with an experienced SEO agency or specialist if needed.
  8. Continuously track and measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts.
  9. Be prepared to adjust your budget based on the results and changing SEO landscape.
  10. Monitor Google algorithm updates and adapt your strategy accordingly.
  11. Regularly analyze your competition and update your budget as needed.
  12. Focus on content quality and user experience to maximize the impact of your budget.
  13. Implement technical SEO improvements to enhance website performance.
  14. Utilize data-driven insights to refine your keyword strategy and content.
  15. Invest in link-building strategies that align with your objectives.
  16. Consider local SEO efforts if your business serves a specific geographic area.
  17. Stay informed about industry trends and emerging SEO technologies.
  18. Collaborate with your SEO team or agency to optimize your budget allocation.
  19. Continuously measure the ROI of your SEO investments.
  20. Adjust your budget to ensure ongoing SEO success and growth.

The post Cheap SEO Is a Near-Death Experience appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

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