{"id":106876,"date":"2021-09-15T08:00:21","date_gmt":"2021-09-15T15:00:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.bruceclay.com\/?p=106876"},"modified":"2023-08-13T13:56:29","modified_gmt":"2023-08-13T20:56:29","slug":"seo-website-migration-guide","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.bruceclay.com\/blog\/seo-website-migration-guide\/","title":{"rendered":"SEO Website Migration Guide"},"content":{"rendered":"

\nSite migrations are a huge undertaking, and anyone who doesn\u2019t think so hasn\u2019t been through one. Unfortunately, many businesses make major changes to their websites without considering the impact on the SEO and overall performance of their site.<\/p>\n

To be fair, it\u2019s usually not their fault; many don\u2019t realize the risks involved. Something as seemingly harmless as a site redesign, for example, can hurt the performance of the website and the business. (Cases in point: check out this client case study<\/a> where we helped turn around a failed redesign.)<\/p>\n

So I\u2019ve created a handy reference guide for website migrations to ensure you are following best practices for SEO during this long journey.<\/p>\n

In this article:<\/p>\n