keyword research Archives - Bruce Clay, Inc. SEO and Internet Marketing Tue, 07 Nov 2023 18:56:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 What Is a Seed Keyword and How Can I Use It in My Research? Tue, 07 Nov 2023 08:25:40 +0000 Learn how to identify seed keywords and leverage them to improve your online visibility and content strategy.

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Silhouette figures standing, holding laptops and cell phones. Blue light waves form a shape of the earth.

Keywords are the driving force in generating traffic, engaging your target audience and boosting your online visibility.

But to conduct keyword research effectively, you’ll need to identify seed keywords. Seed keywords are essential, serving as the foundation upon which your entire strategy is built.

In this article:

Understanding Seed Keywords

A seed keyword is a fundamental term or phrase representing your research’s core topic or theme. It’s the starting point from which you branch out to discover related keywords and ideas.

For instance, if you’re in the fitness industry, “exercise routines” could be your seed keyword. When you drop your seed keywords into a keyword tool, you’ll get millions of different keyword options, both short-term and long-term.

So, how do you find the seed keywords you want to use in your content?

At times, your most powerful tool is your own intellect. To unearth seed keywords, initiate the process by compiling a roster of evident variations and synonyms related to the subject of your investigation. This step holds significance due to the operational methodology of the majority of keyword research tools.

If you have limited familiarity with the industry and require inspiration, consider examining the keywords for which related websites are achieving rankings. One of the most valuable sources of information is the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) — just enter one of your initial keyword concepts and explore the search results to find inspiration.

Compiling a list of products or services linked to your keyword can prove to be a straightforward method for discovering seed keywords. For instance, “REI” could feature items like “hiking gear, hiking backpacks, hiking apparel,” and so on.

To identify these associated products and services, simply conduct Google searches and explore niche-specific websites that offer related items. Additionally, examining navigation menus can be a valuable tool, especially for e-commerce websites with extensive product pages.

Expanding Your Keyword Universe

Once you have your seed keyword, you can expand your keyword universe. Use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, or our SEOToolSet® to discover related keywords and phrases. These tools will provide valuable data, including search volume, competition and keyword trends.

Utilize the Google Keyword Tool, and if available, tools like Wordtracker and Keyword Discovery, to broaden your initial keyword list and gain insights into the relative search volumes of all your keywords.

A word of caution: Google’s estimated monthly search volumes can be misleading, so they should mainly be used as an indication of keyword popularity. If Keyword A’s monthly search volume is 5,000 and 10,000 for Keyword B, then keyword B would likely be more popular. It would also be safe to assume that ranking highly for this particular keyword would automatically bring in 10,000 users each month; although, of course, nothing guarantees it!

For more, read:

Organizing and Prioritizing

After gathering a list of potential keywords, organize and prioritize them, considering the relevance of each keyword to your content or marketing campaign.

High search volume and low competition are generally desirable as they indicate the potential for attracting a larger audience while facing less competition. However, don’t overlook long-tail keywords, which can be highly targeted and may bring in users who are more inclined to convert into customers or engage with your content.

When organizing your keywords, it’s helpful to categorize them into different thematic groups. Dividing keywords into groups serves multiple keyword objectives while maintaining a cohesive and user-friendly website structure, and it allows for a more structured approach to your content creation and marketing efforts.

Additionally, it’s wise to regularly revisit and update your keyword list, as search trends and user behavior can change over time. This ongoing keyword management ensures that your strategy remains effective and adaptable to evolving search engine algorithms and user preferences.

For more on long-tail keywords, read:

Creating High-Quality Content

Seed keywords are not just for SEO; they should also guide your content creation. Develop high-quality content around your seed keyword and its related terms. This will not only improve your search engine rankings but also engage your audience more effectively.

Using seed keywords as an outline for your content is an excellent strategy for creating well-structured and search engine-friendly material. They represent the core concepts and themes of your topic, providing a roadmap for your content creation process. Starting with seed keywords ensures that your content remains focused and aligned with your target audience’s interests and needs.

Once you have your seed keywords, expand upon them to create a content outline. This outline can help you organize your thoughts, identify subtopics and ensure that your content covers all the essential aspects of your subject.

Each seed keyword can become a major section or heading within your content, and you can use related keywords and phrases to develop the subpoints or details. Structure your content so it is both easier to write and more readable for readers. Search engines will reward you for well-structured, organized material.

For more, read:

Monitoring and Adapting

Keyword research is an ongoing process. Regularly monitor the performance of your selected keywords and adjust your strategy accordingly. As search trends evolve, so should your approach.

Seed keywords are the foundation for your entire keyword research strategy. Start your digital marketing off right by selecting and expanding on a relevant seed keyword, then broadening it as needed to meet the needs of your target audience.

Our SEO experts can help you identify the best seed keywords for your business. Contact us today for a free consultation.

FAQ: How do you choose your seed keyword?

Choosing the right seed keyword is a critical first step in any successful keyword research process. Here are some considerations to help you select the most suitable seed keyword for your project.

Start by identifying keywords directly related to your website’s niche or the topic you want to focus on. These keywords should reflect the core themes and subject matter of your content.

For example, if you run a fitness blog, a seed keyword like “weight loss tips” is highly relevant. Consider your target audience’s interests and needs to ensure that your seed keyword aligns with their search.

Analyze the search volume and competition for your chosen seed keyword. Tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, or SEOToolSet® can help you assess this data.

Aim for keywords with a healthy search volume, but be mindful of overly competitive ones, as it may be difficult to rank for them as a beginner. Finding a balance between search volume and competition is essential to ensure your efforts yield results.

Long-tail keywords are more specific and can often be easier to rank for. Once you have your seed keyword, explore long-tail variations that stem from it. These are often longer and more detailed phrases that potential visitors might use in their search queries.

For instance, if your seed keyword is “healthy recipes,” long-tail keywords like “quick healthy breakfast recipes” or “low-calorie dinner recipes” can help you capture a more targeted audience. Long-tail keywords can be a goldmine of untapped potential.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  1. Identify the core theme or topic of your research, which will serve as your seed keyword.
  2. Utilize keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, or SEOToolSet® to discover related keywords and phrases.
  3. Analyze the data provided by these tools, including search volume and competition, to evaluate the potential of each keyword.
  4. Organize your list of keywords based on relevance and potential impact on your content or marketing campaign.
  5. Prioritize keywords with high search volume and low competition, but also consider long-tail keywords for targeting specific audiences.
  6. Develop high-quality content centered around your seed keyword and related terms.
  7. Ensure your content is optimized for SEO by including keywords naturally within the text, headings and meta tags.
  8. Monitor the performance of your selected keywords using analytics tools and track changes in search trends.
  9. Regularly review and adapt your keyword strategy to stay aligned with evolving search behaviors and industry trends.
  10. Continuously refine your content and SEO efforts based on the insights gained from monitoring and analysis.

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How Does Understanding Search Intent Impact Keyword Research? Mon, 06 Nov 2023 08:44:16 +0000 See how understanding search intent can transform your keyword research and boost your SEO strategy.

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Illustration of a professional conducting research on a laptop.

Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of any successful SEO strategy. As it constantly changes, simply compiling keywords will not guarantee success in search engine marketing.

To truly excel, you need to dig deeper and comprehend the search intent behind those keywords.

In this article:

Understanding the Main Types of Search Intent

Search intent can be categorized into four primary types: informational, navigational, commercial and transactional.

Informational intent is when a user seeks knowledge, navigational intent is directed towards finding a specific website or page, commercial intent is directed at a desire to purchase something (service or product), and transactional intent indicates an intention to purchase or take an action. Recognizing which type aligns with your content is critical in selecting the right keywords.

Ensuring that your content corresponds with the search intent behind your target audience’s chosen keywords is a pivotal strategy for reducing bounce rates. It’s essential to select the appropriate page type for each keyword based on the specific intent that the keyword reflects.

For instance, if a user seeks information, avoid directing them to a product page. Conversely, if a searcher employs a high-purchase-intent keyword, it’s counterproductive to present them with an article about your brand’s mission.

Creating Content That Matches User Expectations

Once you’ve identified the search intent, tailor your content accordingly. For example, if the intent is informational, then creating in-depth guides, articles, or tutorials will resonate with users. On the other hand, transactional intent calls for clear and persuasive product pages or calls to action.

Construct your content framework by considering the specific search intent and analyzing the results. This blueprint should encompass a captivating headline, an engaging introduction, a well-defined main body and a powerful conclusion.

The headline’s purpose is to captivate user attention and pique their curiosity while aligning with their search intent. Meanwhile, the introduction must effectively engage readers, outlining what they can expect to gain from your content.

In the main body, you must deliver on the promises, addressing the users’ inquiries or providing solutions to their issues. Lastly, summarize the key takeaways from your content and incorporate a compelling call to action to guide users toward the desired next steps.

Enhancing User Experience and Reducing Bounce Rates

Understanding search intent helps you optimize your website’s user experience. When users find content that aligns with their intent, they are more likely to engage and stay on your site longer. Reduced bounce rates signal to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant, positively impacting your ranking.

Reducing bounce rates across various website page types, such as product pages, collection pages and blogs, hinges on aligning your content with your customers’ search intent. Achieving this necessitates a comprehensive grasp of your customer’s purchasing journey and identifying the queries they must answer to inform their buying choices.

Search intent represents the primary objective of a consumer when utilizing a search engine. Google’s AI-driven algorithm constantly enhances its ability to discern and address the underlying question, “What is the searcher truly seeking?” for each unique search query. Consequently, Google now provides increasingly precise and relevant results that align with the searcher’s needs.

In the context of product-related queries, Google can distinguish between informational and transactional intent, distinguishing whether the user is seeking information or aiming to make a purchase. Simply presenting limited product information on an e-commerce product page falls short of satisfying the user’s search query for informational keywords.

Utilizing Long-Tail Keywords Effectively

Long-tail keywords are often associated with specific search intent. Incorporating these into your keyword research strategy can help you target a more niche audience and provide content that directly addresses their needs.

SEMRush chart showing search volume and conversion rate for the long-tail keyword "tomato plant."
Image source:

Long-tail keywords often exhibit reduced search volume, face less competition and come with lower CPCs than single-word search queries.

The increased likelihood of conversion with long-tail keywords arises from their inherent specificity, making it easier to discern the precise intent behind a user’s search. This stands in contrast to single-word queries with high monthly search volume, which can be more challenging to decipher due to their potentially diverse purposes.

Consequently, accurately pinpointing a long-tail keyword for a marketing landing page is a more straightforward task. This specificity aligns with the user’s search intent, resulting in more effective targeting.

From an SEO perspective, optimizing your content for longer, more detailed search phrases helps establish a website’s authority. The potential to rank for more competitive keywords with higher search volumes is greater, ultimately increasing traffic.

Monitoring and Adapting to Changing Trends

Search intent is not static. As trends and user behaviors evolve, so do search intent patterns. Regularly monitor and adapt your keyword strategy to reflect these changes to keep your content relevant and maintain your SEO performance.

Understanding search intent goes beyond simply identifying keywords — it involves diving into the minds of your audience and tailoring your content to meet user requirements. Keep this in mind as you develop your SEO strategies.

Our SEO experts can help you understand the search intent behind your desired keywords. Contact us for a free consultation, and let’s talk about how we can create SEO content that works for your brand. 

FAQ: What are the key steps and considerations involved in aligning your content strategy with search intent?

Aligning your content strategy with search intent is crucial for successful SEO and content marketing. To do this effectively, start by identifying the primary keyword or topic of your content and determine the type of search intent it serves (informational, navigational, or transactional). Then, create content that matches the identified intent – like comprehensive guides for informational queries or clear calls to action for transactional ones.

Prioritize user experience and incorporate relevant long-tail keywords into your strategy. Stay updated on changing search intent patterns, analyze your content’s performance in SERPs, conduct competitor analysis, and collaborate with your content team while utilizing SEO tools and analytics to ensure your content remains competitive and aligned with user expectations.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  1. Start by identifying the primary keyword or topic of your content.
  2. Research and analyze the main types of search intent: informational, navigational, commercial and transactional.
  3. Determine which type of search intent aligns with your content.
  4. Craft your content to match the identified search intent.
  5. If the intent is informational, create comprehensive guides or articles; for transactional intent, focus on clear calls to action or product pages.
  6. Optimize your website’s user experience to reduce bounce rates by aligning content with user expectations.
  7. Incorporate long-tail keywords associated with specific search intent into your keyword strategy.
  8. Monitor trends and user behavior regularly to stay updated on changing search intent patterns.
  9. Adapt your keyword strategy accordingly to ensure your content remains relevant.
  10. Continuously analyze the performance of your content in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  11. Adjust your keyword strategy based on the performance data to improve rankings and user engagement.
  12. Conduct competitor analysis to stay competitive in your niche.
  13. Stay informed about industry trends and algorithm updates that may impact search intent.
  14. Collaborate with your content team to ensure a unified approach to understanding and addressing search intent.
  15. Utilize SEO tools and analytics to track keyword performance and user behavior.
  16. Test and refine your content based on user feedback and data-driven insights.
  17. Keep your keyword research and search intent analysis up-to-date to maintain a successful SEO strategy.
  18. Share your findings and insights with your team or clients to ensure alignment on keyword research and content strategies.
  19. Continuously learn and adapt to the evolving search intent and SEO landscape.
  20. Regularly review and revise your keyword research and content strategies to remain competitive and meet user needs effectively.

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How Can I Find Long-Tail Keywords and Why Are They Valuable? Thu, 02 Nov 2023 16:35:21 +0000 We explain what long-tail keywords are, why they are valuable and how you can utilize them to improve your content strategy.

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Professionals reviewing data and analytics around a a table.

Understanding long-tail keywords is the key to enhancing your search performance and matching the needs of your target audience.

Long-tail keywords are specific, highly focused phrases that may have lower search volumes but can bring in more qualified and engaged traffic.

In this blog, we will delve into how to find long-tail keywords and why they are a valuable asset in your online strategy.

Understanding Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords are extended and precise search queries that users enter into search engines. Unlike short-tail keywords, which are more generic and competitive, long-tail keywords cater to a niche audience. For instance, while “shoes” is a short-tail keyword, “comfortable running shoes for flat feet” is a long-tail keyword.

When dealing with long-tail queries, it’s important to be discerning in your selection. Avoid generating content for the sake of quantity — opt for subjects closely aligned with your expertise or product offerings and remain within your core business objectives. The content you produce must be relevant, helpful and valuable to your audience.

Benefits of Long-Tail Keywords

Ahrefs pie chart showing search volume distribution of 4 billion keywords.

Did you know that most US search queries get less than 10 searches per month? Long-tail keywords offer a specificity that attracts fewer people but leads to higher conversion rates for those people. A long-tail keyword approach is perfect for establishing a foothold in a fresh market.

When launching a new website or delving into a new subject, concentrating on long-tail keyword phrases in your content can enhance your visibility among the intended audience. Due to their unique and infrequent search nature, long-tail keywords attract users with precise intentions.

Producing high-quality content that meets these specific queries cultivates your reputation with the right individuals. It also serves as an effective SEO strategy for launching your endeavors and advancing your rankings in areas pertinent to your niche.

It’s true that each singular long-tail keyword may not inundate your website with a surge of traffic. Nevertheless, as you target an increasing number of these keywords, the cumulative search traffic will gradually amass into a substantial flow.

Moreover, considering the abundance of long-tail keywords across virtually every industry, the likelihood of running out of them is pretty remote.

Using Tools for Keyword Research

There are various approaches available for discovering long-tail keywords. Some may be more laborious than others, some could be considered somewhat “unconventional,” and a few are simply inaccurate.

Certain SEO specialists recommend obtaining long-tail keywords through Google Autosuggest. This involves inputting your primary keyword along with various alphabet letters. Google Autosuggest tends to provide predominantly popular search queries rather than the sought-after long-tail variations. Many of the suggested keywords are likely to be well-known and competitive.

To find long-tail keywords, consider utilizing keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, or even our own SEOToolSet®. These tools provide data on search volume, competition and related keywords, helping you identify valuable long-tail opportunities.

Analyzing User Intent

Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and think about the specific questions or problems they might have. Crafting keywords around these pain points can yield fruitful results.

Analyzing user intent requires a deep dive into the mindset of your potential visitors. To do this effectively, consider conducting surveys and user interviews or using analytics tools to gain insights into your audience’s questions, needs and desires. This first-hand data can be invaluable in crafting long-tail keywords that directly address your audience’s challenges.

Another key aspect of user intent analysis is recognizing the different stages of the customer journey. Users searching for information or solutions may be at various stages, from the awareness stage (where they are just identifying a problem) to the decision stage (where they are ready to purchase or take action).

Tailoring your long-tail keywords to match these different stages can help you capture users’ attention at the right time and guide them through the entire journey. This means creating content that provides informative answers and gradually nudges them toward conversion or engagement.

In essence, user intent analysis empowers you to create a holistic long-tail keyword strategy that aligns with your audience’s needs at every stage of their journey.

Mining Your Existing Content

One of the most efficient ways to uncover long-tail keyword opportunities is to mine your existing content. Examine your current content for phrases relevant to your niche that may have yet to be fully optimized, then revise and update your content accordingly to include these keywords. This process saves time and maximizes the value of the content you’ve already invested in.

Start by conducting a content audit and reviewing your blog posts, articles and other pages for underutilized long-tail keyword options. You may find sections of your content where long-tail keywords could be naturally incorporated. Enhancing these sections with the right keywords will improve the visibility and relevance of your content.

Consider repurposing and expanding existing content to target specific long-tail keyword variations. If you identify a cluster of closely related long-tail keywords, you can create a comprehensive, in-depth guide or resource that covers the topic comprehensively. This provides valuable information to your audience and boosts your authority in the niche. Remember to update the publication date and promote these refreshed pieces to ensure they gain the attention they deserve.

Mining your existing content can yield significant gains in your long-tail keyword strategy by breathing new life into your previous work and aligning it with current search trends and user needs.

Long-tail keywords are invaluable tools in your SEO and content strategy arsenal. By catering to specific user needs and optimizing your content accordingly, you can tap into a niche audience that is more likely to convert.

Our SEO experts can help you identify long-tail keywords and incorporate them into your content strategy to improve relevance, visibility and authority. Contact us for a free consultation.

FAQ: What is the best long-tail keyword strategy for your business?

The best long-tail keyword strategy for your business depends on various factors, including your industry, target audience and the specific goals you aim to achieve.

One practical approach is to focus on informational long-tail keywords. These keywords are centered around answering questions, solving problems, or providing valuable insights to your audience.

By creating content that addresses these specific user needs, you can position your business as a reliable source of information, attract qualified traffic and build authority in your niche. This strategy is especially beneficial for businesses seeking to establish themselves as experts and nurture long-term relationships with their audience.

Another powerful long-tail keyword strategy involves targeting transactional keywords. These keywords are often used by users closer to making a purchase decision.

By optimizing your product or service pages with transactional long-tail keywords, you can attract potential customers who are actively seeking to buy.

This strategy is ideal for e-commerce businesses or service providers looking to boost conversions and drive revenue. It’s important to conduct thorough keyword research to identify transactional long-tail keywords that align with your offerings and create compelling content to convince users to take action.

To determine the best long-tail keyword strategy for your business, you must strategically combine both informational and transactional approaches. This entails providing valuable information through content while seamlessly guiding users toward conversion points.

You can effectively nurture leads and transform them into loyal customers by striking a balance between educating your audience and offering solutions that meet their specific needs. Your choice of long-tail keywords should align with your business objectives and the preferences of your target audience.

Continuously monitor the performance of your keywords and be ready to adapt your strategy to stay in sync with evolving search trends and user behavior.

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  1. Understanding the role long-tail keyword phrases play in SEO is critical.
  2. Identify your target audience and their specific needs or pain points.
  3. Utilize keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, or SEOToolSet®.
  4. Conduct keyword research to discover potential long-tail keywords relevant to your niche.
  5. Analyze search volume and competition for each keyword.
  6. Focus on keywords with lower competition and higher relevance to your content.
  7. Consider user intent when crafting long-tail keyword phrases.
  8. Create content that addresses the specific queries or problems associated with your chosen keywords.
  9. Optimize your existing content by incorporating relevant long-tail keywords.
  10. Ensure that your content provides valuable information to users.
  11. Monitor the performance of your content using analytics tools.
  12. Adjust your strategy based on the performance data.
  13. Continuously update and refine your content to stay competitive.
  14. Build backlinks to your content to improve its visibility.
  15. Engage with your audience through comments and social media.
  16. Track your rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  17. Measure the conversion rate and ROI of your long-tail keyword strategy.
  18. Adapt and evolve your keyword strategy as search trends change.
  19. Stay abreast of the latest algorithmic updates and SEO best practices.
  20. Reap the benefits of targeted, high-converting traffic generated by long-tail keywords.

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SEO Content Rules To Live By Tue, 29 Aug 2023 16:18:01 +0000 Unlock the power of SEO with these five essential rules for crafting impactful content. Learn to optimize, engage your audience and outpace competitors for better online visibility.

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Life has a lot of lessons to offer. And so does your content. If you want to improve your content and have a more productive SEO strategy, here are five rules to live by:

  1. ABO: always be optimizing
  2. Know what your readers want or be irrelevant
  3. Know what your competitors are up to so you can maintain your edge
  4. Always make each and every webpage quality
  5. Aim for a good balance of quality and quantity 

FAQ: How can I create an effective SEO content strategy that improves search engine rankings and drives organic traffic?

1. ABO: Always Be Optimizing

Content without optimization is like peanut butter without jelly. Sure, you can eat a peanut butter sandwich without jelly, but why would you?

Just like jelly gives peanut butter that finishing touch, optimizing your webpages puts the final touches on your content.

You can have the most incredible content in the world, but if your page is too slow to load or you have duplicate meta data, your content performance can fall short.

To make sure the content will perform for you, there is a lot to consider outside the words you’ve written or the video you’ve created.

That’s why optimized content and webpages are a cornerstone of SEO.


2. Know What Your Readers Want or Be Irrelevant

Many people have asked, “Who am I?” at some point in their lives. When it comes to SEO content, however, you want to ask: Who are they?

In other words, do you know who reads your content? Do you know the unique challenges they face, their deepest desires, and what matters most to them? If not, then your content may fail to strike a chord.

Make a better connection with your audience by defining who they are. This is where creating audience personas can be key. Then, map your content topics to each persona.

Keyword research can be a great complement to this exercise. It will show you the types of queries your target audience uses when they look for what you have to offer.

Take those keywords and marry them with your personas. You’ll then have the foundation for content that can reach them at the moment they need it with what they need.


3. Know What Your Competitors Are Up to So You Can Maintain Your Edge

All those research studies that come out telling you that content performs better if it is X, Y and Z is much too generic to follow.

In SEO, beating your competition is the name of the game. And you can’t beat your competition without first studying them.

And that means knowing who shows up on Page 1 of the search results for your target keywords and analyzing their webpages.

How are they presenting the topic and how can you stand out? What is the average length of the articles for the top-ranked webpages? What about the sweet spot for the meta data?

If you rely on general benchmarks, you will never truly embrace the uniqueness of your own SEO content strategy.


4. Always Make Each and Every Webpage Quality

Any job worth doing in life is worth doing well. And when it comes to your SEO content, don’t skimp.

Quality content contributes to so many key aspects of SEO. Remember that experience, expertise, authority and trust are all factors in how Google assesses content and website quality.

This is important because you want to be able to compete in the search results. And demonstrating E-E-A-T can make your webpages more relevant to Google for a given search.

And don’t forget: If you have quality content, people will want to read and share it, which can help you earn links correctly.


5. Aim for a Good Balance of Quality and Quantity

Over the years, the SEO perspective on content has changed.

At one point, it was that cranking out as much content as possible was the thing. Then Google stepped in and put its foot down; there were just too many subpar webpages out there.

So quality became a primary focus of the search engine. SEOs took a step back, played it cautiously, and adopted a quality-over-quantity approach.

But just like you need balance in life, you need balance in your SEO content.

It is true that you always want each piece to be quality, but does that mean you only publish once every couple of weeks? It depends on how fast you want to see results.

The fact is, if you want to see your website and blog drive more traffic, publishing more frequently can do just that.

To give you a real world example, we increased blog publishing frequency on our own Bruce Clay Blog beginning in early June 2023. You’ll notice in the image below that direct traffic to our blog sharply increased during that time. Our frequency increased even more in mid-July, and so did our traffic.

Screenshot of HubSpot direct traffic analytics for the Bruce Clay Blog.
HubSpot direct traffic analytics for the Bruce Clay Blog

The Journey Begins with One Step

Every SEO content strategy is unique, but we can all learn from the wisdom of years of content creation and good SEO performance. Follow these five rules on your content journey and find out for yourself how they can improve your SEO content.

Our SEO experts can help you improve your SEO content strategy. Schedule a free 1:1 consultation here.

FAQ: How can I create an effective SEO content strategy that improves search engine rankings and drives organic traffic?

To start, thoroughly research your target audience and their needs. Understanding their preferences and pain points enables you to create content that resonates deeply.

Begin by conducting thorough keyword research. Identify relevant keywords and phrases that align with your industry and audience. A mix of short-tail and long-tail keywords will provide a balanced approach. Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush and other tools can provide invaluable insight into search volume and competition.

Quality content is non-negotiable. Crafting informative, engaging and original content is essential for retaining visitors and attracting organic backlinks. Leverage your expertise to provide value and establish credibility within your niche. Regularly update your content to reflect industry trends and address emerging topics.

Strategic content organization plays a vital role. Structure your articles with clear headings, subheadings, and concise paragraphs. This not only enhances readability but also improves search engine crawlers’ understanding of your content’s hierarchy and relevance.

Harness the power of on-page SEO elements. Optimize meta titles, descriptions and headers with your target keywords. Ensure your website is responsive and loads quickly across devices. Mobile-friendliness is a key ranking factor that directly impacts user experience.

Promote your content across various channels. Utilize social media, email newsletters, and online communities to amplify your reach. Encourage social sharing and engagement to broaden your content’s visibility and foster a loyal readership.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Creating an Effective SEO Content Strategy

  1. Research your target audience’s preferences, pain points and search behavior.
  2. Identify a mix of short-tail and long-tail keywords using tools like Google Keyword Planner and SEMrush.
  3. Create an editorial calendar outlining topics, keywords and publication dates.
  4. Develop high-quality, original content that addresses your audience’s needs.
  5. Incorporate target keywords naturally within your content while maintaining readability.
  6. Organize your content with clear headings, subheadings and concise paragraphs.
  7. Optimize meta titles, descriptions and headers with relevant keywords.
  8. Ensure your website is mobile-responsive and optimized for fast loading speeds.
  9. Implement a solid internal linking structure to guide users through related content.
  10. Leverage high-quality images, infographics and videos to enhance user engagement.
  11. Regularly update and refresh existing content to reflect current trends and information.
  12. Promote your content across social media platforms and relevant online communities.
  13. Encourage social sharing and engagement to expand your content’s reach.
  14. Build relationships with influencers and collaborate for mutual content promotion.
  15. Monitor your content’s performance using analytics tools to track traffic, engagement and conversions.
  16. Continuously refine your content strategy based on data insights and user feedback.
  17. Adapt to evolving SEO trends and algorithm changes to maintain your competitive edge.
  18. Focus on providing value and relevance to your audience through every piece of content.
  19. Stay patient and persistent; SEO results take time to manifest fully.
  20. Review and adjust your strategy periodically to align with shifting market dynamics.

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7 Keyword Suggestion and Research Tools to Figure Out the Right Keywords for Your SEO Strategy Thu, 24 Aug 2023 17:23:41 +0000 Revolutionize your SEO strategy by learning how to optimize content and target your audience effectively for enhanced search engine visibility. Try these essential tools and techniques.

The post 7 Keyword Suggestion and Research Tools to Figure Out the Right Keywords for Your SEO Strategy appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..


Keyword research is a big job, and you need the right tools to do it successfully. There are plenty of keyword suggestions and research tools on the market — here are seven of them (in alphabetical order) you should be using to better meet your audience’s needs and rank better in search.

  1. Answer The Public
  2. Bing Webmaster Tools Keyword Research
  3. Google Ads Keyword Planner 
  4. Google Trends
  5. Keyword Generator (Ahrefs)
  6. Keyword Suggestions (SEOToolSet)
  7. QuestionDB

FAQ: How can I leverage keyword research tools to enhance my content strategy and SEO efforts?

1. Answer The Public

Answer The Public serves questions and phrases related to your keyword by using autocomplete data from search engines.

Add the data to your keyword research list, then write content to address each relevant question or phrase. You can write a separate webpage for each question or phrase, or include a bunch of them within one article (you might even rank for a featured snippet if you do it the right way).

Answer The Public search results for the query "cat sweaters."
Image source:

You can do a couple of searches for free each day, or upgrade to a paid subscription.

2. Bing Webmaster Tools Keyword Research

If you’re trying to compete in Bing, then you’ll want to use its Webmaster Tools keyword research tool to discover the keywords and phrases people are using on the Bing search engine.

Take your seed list of keywords and input them into the tool. The keyword tool will suggest matching or relevant keywords related to them, including search volume and trends. Keywords suggestions fall into the following three categories: related, questions, or newly discovered.

Bing Webmaster Keyword Research Tools results for the query “how to do SEO.”
Keyword Research results for the query “how to do SEO”

Plus, the tool also provides the top-ranked URLs for the root keywords and can also give data on the keywords that are already driving traffic to your website. There are all sorts of filters you can apply to the data to refine it as well.

Bing Webmaster Tools keyword research feature is free for those who have an account.

3. Google Ads Keyword Planner

The Google Ads Keyword Planner is not just for advertisers; it’s also a handy SEO keyword research tool for websites competing in Google.

Input your seed list and the keyword suggest tool will help you find the most relevant keywords. Or, you can enter your website and Google will look for keywords related to the content.

The Keyword Planner gives data on search volume and will provide bid estimates for advertisers (which can also help gauge how competitive a keyword in organic search will be). You can narrow down your search by using various filters as well.

Screenshot of Google Ads Keyword Planner results for the query "SEO services."
Image source: Google Ads

Keyword Planner is free for anyone who has a Google Ads account.

4. Google Trends

Google Trends offers — you guessed it — trends on search queries. You can enter a given keyword and get various data points on it, including:

  • Interest over time
  • Interest by region
  • Related topics
  • Related queries

You can also apply filters like what type of search — web search, image search, news search, etc.

Screenshot of Google Trends comparison results for "SEO services" and "how to do SEO."
Image source: Google Trends

You can also check out the Trending Now page to see what’s currently trending around the world. This can be useful for writing on timely topics.

Google Trends is a free keyword research tool.

5. Keyword Generator (Ahrefs)

Ahrefs’ Keyword Generator is a keyword suggestion tool that lets you enter up to 10 words or phrases and generates keywords for the search engine of your choice (there are nine of them), including Google, Bing, YouTube, Amazon and more. Filter by country.

The data is offered up into six categories of keyword types, including: Phrase match, having the same terms as your seed list, keywords the top-competing pages also rank for, search suggestions via autocomplete, newly discovered keywords and question formats.

Get data like keyword difficulty scores and search volume for each keyword listed. You can use filters to find those keywords with good search volume and low competition (the sweet spot!).

Screenshot of Ahrefs keyword idea results for "SEO."
Image source:

Also, find out any SERP features associated with that keyword (a must when you are doing a whole-SERP SEO strategy). And, you can use this tool to find out SEO metrics on the top-ranked webpages for a term, too.

You can use the free version with limited functionality, or try a paid trial for a small fee. After that, if you upgrade to a subscription, the Lite version is $99 per month, and the Standard version is $199 per month at the time of writing.

6. Keyword Suggestions (SEOToolSet)

Of course, we have to mention our solution to keyword research, too, and that’s our Keyword Suggestions tool, which is part of our SEOToolSet®.

With the Keyword Suggestions tool, you can find terms that are semantically related to the keywords in your seed list. The tool can provide search activity for each keyword, three metrics to indicate competitiveness, categories, and a trending chart.

Results from the Bruce Clay SEOToolSet Keyword Suggestions Tool.
Image source: SEOToolSet Keyword Suggestions Tool

The SEOToolSet allows you to research keywords further by presenting more data, including keyword relative “activity” as a search query.

You can use the Keyword Suggestions tool for:

  • SEO research
  • Content planning
  • Discovering word associations for video descriptions
  • Finding keywords you might want to exclude from your PPC campaign, and more.

The SEOToolSet offers a free trial and then is $24.95 per month after that. The free version of the Keyword Suggestion tool will serve up five related words and phrases to your keyword (entered one at a time) pulled from search engine data.

7. QuestionDB

QuestionDB allows you to enter a broad keyword and find relevant questions related to it, pulled from its database of more than 32 million questions that “have been asked on various websites over time.”

QuestionDB sample results for the query "protein powder."
Image source:

The generated list will give you the relevant questions for keywords, plus volume and difficulty data from DataForSeo, an SEO data API provider. (“Keyword difficulty represents the median backlink profile strength of the top 10 webpages ranking for a specific keyword,” according to DataForSEO.) From here, you can view related topics and download the list of questions.

QuestionDB is free with limited functionality, offering 50 results per search. You can upgrade for deeper dives into the data and unlimited searches for $15 per month at the time of writing.

Keyword research is not a small feat, and the right tools can help you get the keywords most relevant to your audience and your business. For more on keyword research, check out:

Don’t have the time or resources to conduct thorough keyword research? Let our SEO experts do the work for you. Schedule a free 1:1 consultation to discuss how we can help.

FAQ: How can I leverage keyword research tools to enhance my content strategy and SEO efforts?

Navigating the complexities of content strategy and search engine optimization demands strategic precision. Keyword research tools are beacons of insight, guiding your content toward relevance and your SEO efforts toward success.

Engaging in a comprehensive content strategy necessitates more than just high-quality writing; it involves strategic keyword integration. Keyword research tools serve as the compass in this journey. By delving into these tools, you uncover trending keywords and gain insights into what your target audience seeks. This valuable understanding empowers you to curate content that resonates deeply with your readers.

Seamless integration of meticulously researched keywords directly influences your search engine rankings. Search engines thrive on relevancy, and these tools offer you the means to align your content with user intent. As you strategically pepper your articles with these keywords, you provide search engines with clear signals, ultimately enhancing your chances of climbing the results ladder.

One key advantage of leveraging keyword research tools lies in uncovering untapped niches. These tools illuminate the uncharted terrain of long-tail keywords, where competition might be less fierce and relevance is more attainable. Incorporating these hidden gems into your content enriches your strategy and helps you reach a more targeted audience.

Beyond keyword discovery, these tools facilitate monitoring and adaptation. Continuously tracking keyword performance offers insights into user behavior shifts. As search trends evolve, these tools empower you to adjust your strategy in real time, ensuring your content remains aligned with your audience’s evolving needs.

Keyword research tools transcend mere words; they are the compass, guide and beacon illuminating your path to successful content strategy and SEO. By harnessing their power, you position your content to resonate with audiences and increase search engine ranks.

Step-by-Step Procedure: How To Leverage Keyword Research Tools for Enhanced Content Strategy and SEO

  1. Understand the significance of keyword research in content strategy and SEO.
  2. Familiarize yourself with different keyword research tools available in the market.
  3. Research your target audience’s preferences, interests and pain points.
  4. Explore trending keywords related to your niche using keyword research tools.
  5. Identify long-tail keywords that align with your content’s focus.
  6. Analyze the search volume and competition level of selected keywords.
  7. Prioritize keywords with a balance of search volume and competition.
  8. Incorporate relevant keywords organically into your content.
  9. Ensure that keywords match user intent and enhance the overall reader experience.
  10. Monitor the performance of integrated keywords using tracking tools.
  11. Adapt your content strategy based on emerging keyword trends.
  12. Utilize keyword research tools to identify content gaps and potential niches.
  13. Create content that addresses specific long-tail keywords and user queries.
  14. Incorporate keywords in key areas such as headings, subheadings and meta descriptions.
  15. Regularly update your content to reflect evolving keyword trends.
  16. Engage in competitor analysis to identify keywords driving their success.
  17. Leverage keyword research tools to refine and optimize paid advertising campaigns.
  18. Collaborate with your SEO team to align keyword research with technical optimization.
  19. Continuously educate yourself on emerging SEO and content trends.
  20. Keep a pulse on your audience’s preferences to consistently refine your keyword strategy.

The post 7 Keyword Suggestion and Research Tools to Figure Out the Right Keywords for Your SEO Strategy appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

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The SEO Bucket List: 3 Things To Do Before Your Site Dies Thu, 17 Aug 2023 15:38:50 +0000 The bucket list: an itemized statement of all the things you want to do before you kick the can.

Not too long ago, Bruce wandered into the writers’ department and said, “What about an SEO bucket list of things you have to do before your site dies?”

So here we are.

Now, this is not an exhaustive list by any means. If I had all the space in the world to write and you had the attention span to read it, I could think of a handful of other things to add (hint, hint: stay tuned for additions to this list in future blog posts).

For now, let’s focus on three core areas that any website should have on its SEO bucket list:

  • A strong foundation to operate on
  • SEO-friendly design and architecture
  • Quality content and structure

Read more of The SEO Bucket List: 3 Things to Do Before Your Site Dies.

The post The SEO Bucket List: 3 Things To Do Before Your Site Dies appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..


The bucket list is all the things you want to do before you die. I argue that every website needs a bucket list, too. This list prioritizes all the things that need to happen before the site becomes so irrelevant it “dies” in the search results.

There is a lot I could say here. To keep it short and sweet, though, I have categorized the SEO “bucket list” into three main buckets:

  1. Get a strong foundation 
  2. Create an SEO-friendly architecture
  3. Write quality content 
  4. FAQ: How can SEO Siloing improve my website’s subject and website authority?

1. Get a Strong Foundation

Search engines want to rank websites that provide a good user experience. That means: Get the technical stuff right.

This includes:

This list may seem small, but getting everything right in each of those bullet points is a huge undertaking. When you do get it right, though, your site can better compete in the search results.

2. Create an SEO-Friendly Architecture

How you organize the content on a website matters to both search engines and website visitors. This includes the navigation and internal linking of webpages.

SEO-friendly site architecture is created through SEO siloing. Siloing creates content categories/directories on a site based on the keywords you’ve selected through keyword research.

This SEO strategy helps to build subject and website authority and clearly tells the search engines what the content is about. In other words: It can make your website more relevant for a search.

For more on this, read:

3. Write Quality Content

If you haven’t seen Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines, then it’s time to do some reading on how important it is that you get the “quality content” piece right.

Of course, those guidelines are not the end all be all, but they are useful to understand how Google thinks about quality. Ultimately, you have to decide what is quality content for your website, and Google agrees.

Giving your website visitors useful information written by experts on the matter is the goal. How you go about doing that is up to you.

In general, though, you will need things like:

  • A webpage with a clear purpose that delivers on that purpose.
  • Content that is created with a good amount of expertise on the subject matter.
  • Information that is well-written and useful.
  • An optimized webpage in keeping with SEO best practices.

Content is one of the most important ranking factors, and quality content can often trump other ranking signals all else equal.

For more on this, read:

This SEO bucket list helps ensure that your website is relevant for search queries and useful to your target audience. Don’t wait until your website dies before you prioritize doing all the important things that will keep your business alive online.

FAQ: How can SEO siloing improve my website’s subject and website authority?

SEO siloing is a powerful website structuring technique that significantly influences how search engines perceive and rank your website. By organizing your content into distinct categories or “silos” based on relevant keywords, you can create a logical and hierarchical structure that enhances your website’s subject relevance and authority.

When implementing SEO siloing, start by conducting comprehensive keyword research to identify primary topics related to your website’s niche. Group these keywords into relevant clusters, each representing a specific content category. For example, if you own a gardening website, you might have silos for “Vegetable Gardening,” “Flower Gardening,” and “Gardening Tools.”

Within each silo, create in-depth and valuable content that covers various aspects of the topic. Ensure that the content is interlinked through contextual internal links, guiding visitors and search engine crawlers to related articles within the same silo. This internal linking strategy reinforces the subject relevance and authority of each silo.

It is vital to keep each silo focused on its primary topic without mixing unrelated content. By doing so, you enhance the clarity and expertise of your website, establishing yourself as a trustworthy resource within your niche. Search engines recognize the organization and topical focus which can lead to improved rankings for your targeted keywords.

Another benefit of siloing is that it allows you to demonstrate expertise on specific subjects. When your content consistently delves deep into a particular topic, it signals to search engines that your website is a valuable and authoritative source on that subject. This can lead to higher rankings for related search queries and increased organic traffic.

Siloing enhances user experience by making it easier for visitors to navigate your website. The logical organization and clear interlinking guide users to relevant information, reducing bounce rates and increasing engagement. This positive user experience signals search engines that your website provides valuable content, contributing to improved rankings.

To make the most of siloing, regularly update and expand the content within each silo. As your website’s authority on specific subjects grows, you can explore broader or more specialized topics, further solidifying your website’s position as a go-to resource in your industry.

SEO Bucket List: How To Effectively SEO Silo Your Site

  1. Perform comprehensive keyword research to identify primary topics and keywords related to your website’s niche.
  2. Group similar keywords into content categories or silos, each representing a specific subject area.
  3. Create high-quality and valuable content within each silo, covering various aspects of the topic.
  4. Ensure contextual internal linking between articles within the same silo to reinforce subject relevance and authority.
  5. Keep each silo focused on its primary topic and avoid mixing unrelated content to maintain clarity and expertise.
  6. Regularly update and expand the content within each silo to demonstrate ongoing expertise and relevance.
  7. Implement SEO best practices, including proper URL structures, meta tags and optimized headings within each silo.
  8. Monitor and analyze the performance of each silo using web analytics tools to identify areas for improvement.
  9. Engage in off-page SEO activities such as building quality backlinks and guest posting to further boost website authority.
  10. Conduct competitor analysis to identify gaps and opportunities within your niche and adjust your siloing strategy accordingly.
  11. Optimize website speed and performance to enhance user experience and reduce bounce rates.
  12. Use responsive web design to ensure an optimal user experience across devices.
  13. Audit your website regularly for broken links, duplicate content and any technical issues that could impede its SEO performance.
  14. Monitor search engine algorithm updates and adjust your siloing strategy accordingly to stay competitive.
  15. Pay attention to topics relevant to your audience and modify your content strategy using data-driven insights.
  16. Utilize user-generated content like testimonials and reviews to establish trust among your target market.
  17. Foster a community around your website by engaging with your audience through comments and discussions.
  18. Stay up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and industry developments to maintain a competitive edge in your niche.

The post The SEO Bucket List: 3 Things To Do Before Your Site Dies appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

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What is Content Optimization? Mon, 24 Jul 2023 18:13:09 +0000 Find out how to optimize SEO content to enhance your website's performance.

The post What is Content Optimization? appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

SEO professional optimizing webpage content.

If you’ve ever worked with an SEO you’ve probably heard the phrase “optimize your content” one too many times.

In search engine optimization, you not only want to create quality content, but also make sure it’s optimized in the best way possible. This is so it has a better chance of performing in the search results.

In this article, I’ll outline what content optimization is in SEO and how to go about doing it.

I will discuss:

What Is SEO Content Optimization?

Content optimization in SEO is all about making sure the content is streamlined for both search engines and website visitors.

Generating content is the most important part of the content creation process. But there are some things that you have to consider to help your content perform better in the search results and to offer a better experience for your visitors.

In fact, not doing certain optimization practices can impede your ability to rank in the search results. One example that comes to mind is a slow webpage when compared to your competition in the search results.

Now you might not equate a slow webpage with SEO content optimization, but it’s very much a part of ensuring the webpage your content is on performs. And I’ll talk more about that next.

How To Do SEO Content Optimization

You might think that SEO content optimization involves just slapping a few keywords onto a webpage. But it’s actually more involved than that.

See, it’s not just the words on the page that need to be optimized — it’s the entire webpage (which means getting into the technical stuff). Bottom line: You cannot view content optimization as separate from other types of optimization that need to happen on the webpage.

That said, let’s look at some of the things that go into SEO content optimization. While not an exhaustive list, here are some of the many things you can and should do:

Keyword Research

Keywords are the foundation of SEO content. They tell us what our target audience is searching for and how they are searching for it when looking for what you have to offer.

But keyword research goes beyond that. It helps us better understand what our target audience wants so that we can deliver more targeted content to them, and to better compete in the search results.

Once you have done your keyword research, you can begin to create content for those keyword topics. That is the first step in optimizing SEO content.

Choosing a Content Type

Analyze the search engine results pages (SERPs) and see what type of content shows up for each of your keywords. For example, do you only see webpages? Or do you also see things like videos and featured snippets?

Take note of the SERP features that show up. This is the type of content you want to create.

Read more:

On-Page Optimization

Now we get to the part of SEO content optimization that most people are familiar with — on-page optimization. This involves optimizing your content from top to bottom with SEO best practices.

Here are just a few of the things to keep in mind as you optimize your SEO content …

Competitor Research

Before you put pen to paper (or in this case, finger to keyboard) you want to be sure you are creating content that will meet or exceed your competition in the SERPs. That requires some competitor research.

Competitor research can reduce wasted efforts and give you better targets for your content. Think about it: If all the top-ranked webpages in the SERPs are 1,000 words, why would you write 2,000?

You can do competitor research the old-fashioned way by going to the SERPs (in incognito mode), typing in your keyword and then analyze the top-ranked webpages. But this takes time.

Easier yet is using SEO tools for the job. (We have one for competitor research and you can learn more about the Bruce Clay SEO WP™ plugin at any time.)


Mobile-Friendly Writing

Given that 63% of traffic to search engines and 54% of traffic to websites comes from mobile devices, it only makes sense that you optimize your content with mobile readers in mind. How do you do that? Think tiny screens.

Mobile content means breaking up long chunks of content into bite-sized pieces. Paragraphs can be two sentences long (or in some cases, even one sentence).

You can use bullets and subheads to keep things organized and to guide the reader along. Think about how much effort it would take to read a long article on a phone, and adjust your formatting to make it easier for your visitors.


Link Targets

Most SEO content optimization will take into consideration the outbound links from the page. Outbound links are the links that you embed that go out to another page either on your website or to another website.

In either case, you want to be strategic about what you are linking to. This is especially important if you are SEO siloing to boost your content performance. And it’s also important to your link profile. You want to make sure you are linking out to quality, relevant websites.


Keyword Optimization

In many cases, you end up naturally optimizing your content when you write — using different variations of a keyword and related keywords. But any optimization effort is about being as precise as possible and also beating the competition.

So it cannot hurt to ensure the page has the most relevant keywords showing up a reasonable number of times. There are tools you can use to help with optimizing your keywords with content, like the Bruce Clay SEO WP plugin.


Meta Data

Meta data (aka meta tags) is another area that is widely known as a standard part of SEO content optimization. You want to get this part right because your meta data is your first impression to both search engines and users.

Why? The meta data is the first bit of content the search engines encounter when crawling a webpage to understand what the page is about. And, the meta data serves as the snippet in the search results, so it’s the first thing a potential visitor sees.

For this, you want to make sure that:

  • The meta data is compelling
  • It accurately describes what the reader can expect
  • It stays within character count guidelines
  • It uses the target keywords


Technical SEO

Really great content will get you pretty far in the search results. But all else equal, if a competitor for your keyword has a faster website or offers a better user experience, your website will likely not stack up in the SERPs.

What do I mean when I say “all else equal”? Search engines like Google use a variety of factors in their ranking algorithms to determine which page is the most relevant to a search. No website is going to be perfect for a query, and Google knows that.

So the search engines essentially rank the webpages by those that are closest to matching the most factors. So let’s say there are 50 ranking factors for a given query — if you have 39 of the most important and your competition has 40, who do you think will rank above whom?

So a key part of SEO content optimization is actually making your website run better. For this, you need the help of a technical SEO person and/or your web team. It’s not something that a content creator can easily tackle without the know-how.


Follow these SEO content optimization tactics to help your content perform better in the search results.

For a more comprehensive list on optimization, check out our SEO checklist.

FAQ: What exactly is SEO content optimization and how can I implement it?

SEO content optimization stands as a pivotal strategy for achieving online success. By tailoring your content to align with search engine algorithms, you can exponentially increase your chances of appearing prominently in search results. This article guides you in understanding and implementing SEO content optimization effectively.

At its core, SEO content optimization refers to the strategic process of refining your online content to make it more attractive to search engines like Google. The goal is simple yet powerful: to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and subsequently draw more organic traffic. This process involves a harmonious blend of keyword research, quality content creation, and technical finesse.

The cornerstone of successful SEO content optimization lies in thorough keyword research. You can strategically incorporate these terms into your content by identifying relevant keywords and phrases that potential visitors might use to find content like yours. However, it’s crucial to strike a balance – keyword stuffing can result in a negative user experience and harm your ranking. Instead, aim for an effortless integration that enhances readability and value in your content.

Content creation remains essential. Search engines prioritize content that provides genuine value to users. Craft articles, blog posts, or other forms of media that not only address your audience’s needs and showcase your expertise. Engaging content encourages longer time spent on your website and reduced bounce rates, signaling to search engines that your content deserves recognition.

Technical optimization is equally vital. Ensure your website is mobile-responsive, as search engines prioritize mobile-friendly sites. Furthermore, optimize your meta titles, descriptions, and headings to reflect your content’s essence accurately. Internal linking, which connects different pages on your website, also aids navigation and boosts SEO performance.

To implement SEO content optimization successfully, embrace a holistic approach. Regularly update your content to reflect current trends and changes in your industry. Monitor your website’s performance using analytical tools to gauge the effectiveness of your optimization efforts. Stay informed about search engine algorithm updates and adapt your strategy accordingly.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Implementing SEO Content Optimization

  1. Conduct comprehensive keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords.
  2. Prioritize long-tail keywords that align closely with your content’s focus.
  3. Develop high-quality, informative, and engaging content that addresses user needs.
  4. Integrate selected keywords naturally into your content, including titles, headings, and body.
  5. Ensure your website’s mobile responsiveness for a seamless user experience.
  6. Optimize meta titles, descriptions, and headings to represent your content accurately.
  7. Implement internal linking to connect relevant pages within your website.
  8. Regularly update and refresh your content to reflect current trends and information.
  9. Monitor your website’s performance using analytical tools like Google Analytics.
  10. Analyze user behavior to identify areas for improvement and optimization.
  11. Stay informed about search engine algorithm updates and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  12. Leverage social media platforms to promote your optimized content.
  13. Build backlinks from reputable sources to enhance your website’s authority.
  14. Collaborate with influencers or industry experts to expand your content’s reach.
  15. Encourage user engagement through comments, shares, and discussions.
  16. Optimize images and multimedia elements for faster loading times.
  17. Use schema markup to provide additional context to search engines.
  18. Implement a consistent content posting schedule to maintain audience engagement.
  19. Continuously track and measure the impact of your SEO content optimization efforts.
  20. Adapt your strategy based on performance insights and evolving SEO best practices.

Following these steps will help you navigate the complex world of SEO content optimization and help drive organic traffic while creating a strong presence online. Staying current with industry trends and best practices is key for long-term SEO success.

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5 Steps To Help Writers Create Expert Content for SEO Thu, 20 Jul 2023 17:48:05 +0000 Here are five steps to help content creators ramp up quickly to start creating expert SEO content right away.

The post 5 Steps To Help Writers Create Expert Content for SEO appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..


As savvy as SEOs and writers are, no one is an expert in multiple industries. Yet, we all have to gain that insider expertise right away when we land new clients to best serve them.

And if there is one area in SEO where expertise is going to be absolutely critical, it’s content development.

Quality content doesn’t happen by accident – there is a process to follow. So how do you ensure quality content as part of an SEO program? Here are five steps to help content creators ramp up quickly to start creating expert content right away.

    1. Do thorough keyword research
    2. Identify the experts
    3. Provide company resources
    4. Create a content repository
    5. Maintain the brand 

FAQ: How can I ensure quality content as part of an SEO program? 

1. Do Thorough Keyword Research

The keyword research portion of your SEO program should be so extensive that you have a really good idea of the target audience, including perhaps putting together some personas.

At that point, you should understand the type of content that needs to be created for the website, and be able to give the content team some initial notes on how to create it in a content brief for each page.

2. Identify the Experts

Who are the experts at the client company who can contribute to the topics you are going to talk about? Identify these folks early on and make sure you can talk with them as needed for interviews on certain topics or pages.

Remember, expertise is an important page quality factor according to Google. And for some topics like medical advice or financial guidance (aka YMYL topics), there is even a higher standard for expertise.

As you start the process, Google recommends in its Search Quality Rater Guidelines to ask a simple question: “Think about the topic of the page. What kind of expertise is required for the page to achieve its purpose well?”

Your next step is to engage the expert writer. Here you can leverage a writer or writers with expertise in the industry or simply expertise in content creation.

3. Provide Company Resources

It is important for content creators to understand what the company does, not just what the topic is about. This is critical for context.

Consider helping the content team ramp up by providing a client profile that contains resources for them to get to know the company.

This client profile might include things like:

  • A description of the company’s products and services, including demos as needed.
  • Persona profiles.
  • The brand personality.
  • A list of market competitors.

4. Create a Content Repository

Another way to help your writers create quality content fast is to have a content repository they can draw from as they are in “research mode.”

This can look like a Google Docs folder with all (or the most important) marketing collateral that has been published in the past few years.

Building a library of product/service one-pagers, white papers, e-books, case studies, and educational videos minimizes the amount of ambiguity or back-and-forth between the content creators and the client.

5. Maintain the Brand

Creating quality content as part of an SEO program means creating content that is going to be “on brand” throughout the site. You will need to ensure the writers can keep up with the brand’s tone, voice, and authority on the topic.

Create some style guidelines they can follow – this may include the corporate style guide the company already has and/or a set of guidelines you create specifically for the SEO program.

A Prepared Writer Is a Quality Writer

Creating quality content requires a lot of groundwork, and providing the resources outlined in this article to the writers will help them demonstrate expertise faster.

We offer professional writing services for clients who need high-quality content with built-in SEO. Fill out our contact form to schedule your FREE 1:1 consultation.

FAQ: How can I ensure quality content as part of an SEO program?

Search engines increasingly prioritize high-quality, relevant, user-oriented content in an ever-evolving digital landscape. To stay competitive, it’s vital that SEO campaigns create and optimize quality content.

Conducting thorough keyword research is crucial. By strategically using relevant keywords in your content and weaving them naturally into it, you can improve its visibility in search engine results. Keyword research allows you to understand what your target audience is searching for and tailor the information in your piece accordingly.

Prioritizing user experience is equally essential. Google and other search engines use metrics like bounce rates and time spent per page as indicators of content quality. To create an enjoyable user experience, ensure your text is easy for visitors to read and scan. Use headings, bullets, and subheadings for digestible text. Multimedia elements like videos and images can provide deeper engagement experiences that give visitors more depth than just words can offer.

Maintaining a consistent publishing schedule is key. Regularly updating your website with fresh, high-quality content signals to search engines that your site is active and authoritative. Set a realistic content publishing schedule that allows you to produce valuable content consistently. Remember, quality should always come before quantity. It is far preferable to publish a smaller number of in-depth and educational pieces than multiple shallow, poorly written ones.

Proofreading and editing should never be underestimated — your content’s credibility could be severely damaged by typos, grammar mistakes, and factual inaccuracies. Carefully proofread/edit your content before publishing it. You may want to hire an editor/copyeditor.

Successful SEO depends on high-quality content creation. You can increase the quality and ranking of your site in search engines through thorough keyword research, prioritizing user experience, maintaining an ongoing publishing schedule, and making sure all articles are error-free.

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10 Expert Skills of an SEO Agency Tue, 27 Jun 2023 16:52:03 +0000 Discover how an SEO agency can boost your online visibility and drive organic traffic to your website. Learn about keyword research, competitor analysis, on-page and off-page optimization, technical SEO, content marketing, local SEO, analytics and reporting, SEO tools and SEO training.

The post 10 Expert Skills of an SEO Agency appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

People gathering around a table with their laptops to work.

Every Monday, SEO is a brand-new industry. It’s complex and can be difficult to keep up with the constant changes.

In the right hands, SEO is a powerful tool that makes your brand first among equals.

In the wrong hands, doing SEO incorrectly hurts your brand and can ultimately cause your business to fail. The difference between the two is expertise.

So in order to implement a successful SEO program, it would be wise to work with an experienced agency or consultant.

An expert SEO agency knows how to implement good strategies to improve your online visibility, establish your company as a trusted authority in your niche, attract more organic traffic to your website, and increase your revenue.

Not all SEO agencies are created equal — some are good, some are bad. If you know more about SEO than your agency does, don’t expect to see meaningful results. And if you’re not getting the best results from your SEO campaign, it’s time to look elsewhere.

There are many factors you should consider before deciding on hiring outside help. Here, we will look at the top 10 expert skills you should expect from an SEO agency:

      1. Keyword research
      2. Competitor analysis
      3. On-page optimization
      4. Off-page optimization
      5. Technical SEO
      6. Content marketing
      7. Local SEO
      8. Analytics and reporting
      9. SEO tools
      10. SEO training

    FAQ: What are the top contributions that an SEO agency can make to your SEO program?

1. Keyword Research

Keyword research is a critical component of every successful SEO campaign. It’s what helps you understand your target audience and their search behaviors.

A good SEO agency will utilize keyword research to provide you with an edge in understanding and outranking your competitors. They will also conduct content gap analyses to identify gaps and enhance an overall competitive content strategy.

The top three search results for a query get the majority of clicks. An agency will help you align your content creation and optimization with the keywords and queries your audience is looking for to give you a better chance of showing up in those positions.

For more, read:


2. Competitor Analysis

The goal of SEO is to beat the competition, not the algorithm.

SEO agencies know how to conduct a thorough competitor analysis to analyze the SEO strategies of a website’s competition. These insights inform the recommendations they make on how to outperform them.

For more on competitor analysis, read:


3. On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization improves a website’s relevance and user experience, leading to higher visibility in search engines.

Some tactics include:

  • Optimizing the website’s content with keywords.
  • Deploying the right formatting.
  • Schema markup.
  • Making sure a webpage is mobile-friendly, user-friendly, and fast.
  • Focusing on the organization of the content throughout the site, including the internal linking strategy.

With expert knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, a great SEO agency can optimize a website’s structure, content, and design to ensure it meets the technical requirements of search engines and user needs.

Our Always Up-to-Date SEO Checklist is a great resource to help you with on-page optimization. I suggest bookmarking the page for frequent reference.

4. Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization includes things like social media marketing, influencer promotions, press releases, and earning quality links to the website.

Backlinks are a ranking factor, although it isn’t specifically the number of links that matters. Fewer high-quality backlinks can better improve the credibility and authority of a website than a large volume of lower-quality ones.

In other words: The days of “link building” are over …. ultimately, earning relevant links comes down to creating great content that people want to link to and share.

For more on backlinks, see:


5. Technical SEO

Technical SEO involves optimizing a website’s performance to ensure it meets the technical requirements of search engines and offers a great user experience.

For example, page speed is a confirmed Google ranking signal, and Google wants pages to load in under 2.5 seconds.

Technical failures are a common reason for a drop in rankings and traffic. And the complexity of today’s websites requires an expert to identify and fix any issues that may cause these drops in traffic.

With expertise in website architecture, server configuration, and user experience, the right SEO agency can ensure that your site is technically sound and make it easier for search engines to access it.

For more on technical SEO, see:


6. Content Marketing

Content marketing is about creating and sharing content in a way that helps you achieve your business and marketing objectives.

Content marketing involves:

  • Communicating effectively.
  • Making connections.
  • Sharing the right content.
  • Engaging your audience.
  • Being in the right place at the right time.
  • Seizing opportunity.
  • Inspiring action.
  • Nurturing the needs of your customers.
  • Showcasing your personality/company culture in a way that fits the brand.

An expert SEO agency understands how experience, expertise, authority, and trust factor into quality content that builds trust with your market. They are skilled at developing content strategies, optimizing content for target keywords, and implementing content promotion techniques that demonstrate authority to search engines and to your target audience.

7. Local SEO

Local SEO is critical for businesses that rely on local customers. In fact, research from BrightLocal shows that 98% of people use the internet to find information about a local business.

Some of the SEO tactics used in local SEO differ from traditional techniques for organic search results (“10 blue links”).

And the complexity of local SEO grows when you have national and multi-site businesses, including franchises.

An experienced agency knows how to utilize local keyword research, on-page optimization, and local link building to ensure that a business’s website appears in local search results for the most valuable queries.

For more on local SEO, read:


8. Analytics and Reporting

Analytics and reporting are essential to measure the success of an SEO campaign and identify areas for improvement.

SEO agencies should frequently check in with you to provide detailed reports on the website’s performance, rankings, and traffic. They are experienced in data analytics tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other SEO tools. And with the launch of Google Analytics 4 (GA4), an agency will have even more powerful tools to track and analyze user behavior on your website.

9. SEO Tools

SEO tools can provide a competitive advantage and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of any agency’s services.

These tools can provide valuable information about keyword research, backlink analysis, and website optimization.

Some SEO agencies (like ours) have their own proprietary SEO tools. Our SEO ToolSet software offers a suite of unique tools for website optimization. It’s been used by over 5,000 clients, including Fortune 500 companies and government agencies.

With access to the right tools, an agency can provide businesses with a unique and effective strategy that outperforms its competitors.

Remember that there is always a difference between data and wisdom. SEO tools can inundate you with data, but what sets agencies apart is the wisdom to understand what the data is telling you.

A skilled SEO agency will give you the right data with information specific to your website, then make actionable recommendations to help you make the right decisions for your business.

For more on SEO tools, see:


10. SEO Training

SEO training, like tools, can provide a competitive advantage and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of any agency services.

By learning how SEO works or improving upon the SEO skills you already have, you can have more strategic conversations with your SEO provider.

As the SEO industry continues to grow, the demand for training courses has steadily increased. Google Trends data shows a notable surge in search interest for SEO training services toward the last quarter of 2021.

Google Trends screenshot for “SEO training” keyword.
Google Trends screenshot for “SEO training” keyword.

These trends underscore the vital importance of investing in SEO training, showing its importance for business survival in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Some SEO companies provide SEO training – we happen to be one of them. We’ve trained tens of thousands of students over 27 years on the foundations of SEO and evolving best practices.

In the past few years, we have reinvented our SEO training from in-person classes to an online membership site with tons of resources for its members in various content formats.

With the constant changes to search engine algorithms, staying up-to-date on SEO best practices and strategies through quality training is essential to remain competitive in today’s online marketplace.

There are a plethora of SEO training offerings out there — you must do your research and choose wisely. Before committing to anything, I suggest reading my article on Search Engine Land to help you evaluate your options.

Looking for an experienced SEO agency with a proven track record of helping websites get to Page 1 in the search results? Look no further than Bruce Clay, Inc.! Reach out to us to schedule a free consultation.

FAQ: What are the top contributions that an SEO agency can make to your SEO program?

Many businesses don’t have the time, resources, or knowledge to implement a successful SEO program. Working with an experienced SEO agency can significantly enhance your campaign. Here are the top skills you should look for when deciding to hire outside help.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is at the core of any successful SEO strategy. SEO agencies possess the knowledge and expertise required to perform thorough searches that identify relevant keywords for your industry, product, or service. They also optimize websites so they rank higher in search engine result pages (SERPs). By understanding your audience and their search behavior, agencies can optimize sites so they appear higher up in SERPs, leading to more organic traffic and conversions.

Competitor Analysis

To be the best in SEO, it means outstripping competitors. SEO agencies specialize in competitor analysis to gain valuable insight into their strategies and assist you with creating an improved SEO plan by studying what others are doing. Using this knowledge, they can identify opportunities to outrank rivals and bring more qualified traffic to your site.

Expert On-Page SEO

Optimizing the relevance and user experience of your website is paramount for its success. An SEO agency utilizes its extensive knowledge of HTML and CSS to optimize the structure, design and content of your website in accordance with search engines’ technical requirements while simultaneously meeting user demands. A specialist agency can boost rankings and targeted traffic by employing strategies such as keyword optimization, formatting schema markups and creating user-friendly navigation.

Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO refers to activities performed outside of your website that contribute to its overall search engine optimization success. A good SEO agency can develop an effective off-page strategy for optimizing your website, including social media marketing, influencer promotion, link acquisition strategies, or creating high-quality links. These experts understand the importance of a good link-building strategy and can create content that earns backlinks for increased authority, credibility and visibility for your brand.

Analytical Insights and Reporting

Reporting and analytics are crucial in evaluating the success of any SEO campaign and identifying any areas for improvement. SEO agencies typically provide regular reports detailing website traffic, rankings and key metrics gathered using data-driven insights provided by tools like Google Analytics and Search Console that will allow you to stay ahead of competitors in an ever-evolving digital landscape. These reports help keep an accurate account of SEO campaign activities while keeping a detailed log of improvements necessary in real-time.

Choosing the right partnership with an SEO agency can be the key to the success of your business. Take the time to get to know them, what they offer and what their track record is like. Leverage their experience in the industry to achieve better results — more traffic, visibility, leads, conversions, sales and customers.

The post 10 Expert Skills of an SEO Agency appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

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DIY SEO: 4 Questions to Ask Before You Start Tue, 06 Dec 2022 19:18:49 +0000 Search engine optimization is not easy. It's very complex and takes a lot of work to do it successfully. So can you do SEO on your own? Here are four questions to ask before you jump in.

The post DIY SEO: 4 Questions to Ask Before You Start appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

Professional wearing hard hat and gloves holding wrench and screwdriver working on laptop.
Can you do search engine optimization on your own? It is true that SEO can be learned. And yes, you may find success on your own! That said, there are things to consider before you embark on this journey to make sure it’s a good fit:

First, Do You Have the Time?

It is likely the case that if you have a website, you have a business to run. Whether you are a solopreneur or a business with a team that wants to tackle SEO, you are busy.

SEO is not a one-time thing. Of course, there are one-time things that you will do at the outset of the project, but SEO is constant throughout the lifecycle of your site.

Consider some of the things you will need to do at the outset of an SEO initiative:

  • Installing and configuring analytics
  • Making sure the site is mobile-friendly
  • Diagnosing site speed and addressing issues
  • Making sure the site is secure
  • Keyword research
  • Competitive analysis
  • Whole-SERP strategy

And here is what you should do at minimum on a monthly basis with tasks broken up throughout the weeks:

  • Create and publish authoritative, expert content.
  • Monitor link profile and address anything that needs to be fixed.
  • Run site crawls, review reports and fix website issues.
  • Monitor analytics and data, including rankings and traffic, implement new strategies as needed.
  • Optimize existing content, including page optimization, page combining, redirecting irrelevant pages, etc.
  • Conduct competitive analysis, implement new strategies as needed.

Of course, it is not always this cut and dry. You will need to have the discernment on what tasks will give you the most ROI in the quickest amount of time.

Here are some resources as you get started on your journey:

Can You Diagnose Website Problems?

When rankings and traffic tank, will you know how to diagnose the problem? You will run into problems with traffic at some point.

This means you will have to pivot and turn your attention to finding and fixing the issue. Was it a Google change? Is there new competition? Did something happen offline that would impact your traffic? Did you redesign your website or do something else to it?

To be blunt: This diagnosis often takes a lot of wisdom and experience. It is not likely something you will be able to figure out easily when you are just starting out.

If and when you have figured out and fixed the problem, you will then need to catch up on your day-to-day SEO deliverables. Unfortunately, the fast-paced nature of organic search means the picture can change on a dime – even if you divert resources for a month.

Here are some resources as you get started:

Are You Committed to Learning?

On top of everything else, you will need to commit to SEO learning.

You will need to understand when Google changes things and how it may impact your website. You will want to learn the latest strategies in SEO and how to perfect the best practices. All of this takes time, as in hours each month set aside for education.

In any given month you might:

  • Read search engine news publications
  • Take a webinar or two
  • Go through modules in a training course
  • Discuss issues you’re having in forums or Q&A sessions with SEOs or Google
  • Attend a conference or event (virtually or in person)
  • Reference pages in an SEO book

Then, you can apply the things you’ve learned to your daily / weekly / monthly tasks.

You cannot let yourself get stale here. Good SEO strategies come from continuous learning – you learn when you do SEO, and you learn when you listen to others.

These resources will help you on your journey:

Do You Have Any Budget for Help?

When you are DIY’er, things can get hard. There will be problems that you cannot fix on your own. You will seek advice.

If you are doing SEO on your own, you may not want to spend more money on outside expertise. But if you have a little budget set aside, you can get the type of help you need to get you over the humps.

For example, you could invest in two important things on your SEO journey:

  • The SEO audit, will uncover where your website is hurting SEO and a list of things to fix. This is a great thing to have at the outset of an SEO initiative.
  • A block of hours you can use as you wish to help with tough questions or special projects outside your expertise; especially helpful for when you get stuck.

Having just a little bit of help to start and then when things get rough along the way can help you be more successful with your DIY SEO program.

I recommend checking out these resources:

So, is DIY SEO worth it?

It depends on if you will prioritize the time for SEO, how committed you are to keeping up with it, and if you can set aside some budget for outside help as needed.

If you feel like any of those will be too hard, then I recommend either not doing SEO or hiring outside expertise when you are able to.

Don’t have the time for SEO? Unsure where to start? Our SEO experts can help. Reach out to us for a free consultation.

FAQ: Can I do search engine optimization on my own and achieve results?

Individuals can take on SEO themselves and achieve positive outcomes, but there are a few critical factors they must get “right” to succeed.

The Power of DIY SEO

Search engine optimization is not an arcane art reserved only for specialized agencies. With the proper knowledge and dedication, individuals can handle SEO themselves and achieve favorable results. SEO is a never-ending journey that requires constant effort, commitment, and the willingness to adapt to ever-evolving search algorithms.

Knowledge and Ongoing Education

Before beginning your DIY SEO journey, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of SEO. This includes keyword research, on-page optimization, and linking strategies. To stay abreast of current trends and stay abreast of changing priorities, it is also wise to familiarize yourself with SEO resources such as webinars or forums dedicated to this discipline. Continuous learning is critical to keeping your SEO strategies effective and relevant.

Evaluating Your Resources

While taking on SEO yourself can save costs, assessing whether you have the necessary time and resources to invest in the process is essential. SEO requires regular monitoring, analysis, and adjustments, which can be time-consuming. Consider whether you have the bandwidth to tackle these tasks effectively.

Crafting a Targeted SEO Plan

A well-crafted SEO plan is crucial for achieving positive results. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant and high-traffic keywords for your website. Develop a content strategy that aligns with your target audience’s needs and incorporates your chosen keywords naturally into your content.

Measuring and Adapting

The success of your DIY SEO efforts relies on consistent measurement and adaptation. Monitor your website’s rankings, organic traffic, and conversion rates regularly. Web analytics tools can help identify areas for improvement and gain insight into user behaviors. Based on this data, make informed decisions and adjust SEO strategies as necessary.

Doing search engine optimization on your own is entirely possible and can lead to positive outcomes for your website. By acquiring the necessary knowledge, creating a targeted plan, and continuously adapting your strategies, you can achieve meaningful results through DIY SEO.

Step-by-Step Procedure: Achieving Success with DIY SEO

  1. Educate Yourself on SEO Fundamentals
  2. Familiarize Yourself with Reputable SEO Resources
  3. Engage in SEO Webinars and Forums
  4. Assess Your Time and Resources
  5. Develop a Targeted SEO Plan
  6. Conduct Thorough Keyword Research
  7. Create an Audience-Centric Content Strategy
  8. Naturally Incorporate Keywords into Your Content
  9. Monitor Rankings, Traffic, and Conversions Regularly
  10. Use Web Analytics Tools for Insights
  11. Identify Areas for Improvement
  12. Make Informed Decisions and Adjust Strategies
  13. Continue Learning and Adapting
  14. Stay Up-to-Date with Search Algorithm Changes
  15. Optimize for Mobile and User Experience
  16. Regularly Conduct SEO Audits
  17. Address Technical SEO Issues
  18. Build High-Quality Backlinks
  19. Engage in Content Promotion and Outreach
  20. Measure and Evaluate Results Periodically

Web analytics tools can help identify areas for improvement and gain insight into user behaviors. Based on this data, make informed decisions and adjust SEO strategies as necessary.

The post DIY SEO: 4 Questions to Ask Before You Start appeared first on Bruce Clay, Inc..

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